17-20 SEPT 2025

EADV Scholarships for 2025 Congress

The EADV Honours and Awards Committee, under the chairpersonship of Prof. Asja Prohic, offers Scholarships consisting of complimentary registration, a travel stipend of 1000 EUR and a one-year EADV Membership for the 2026 calendar year.

Three scholarships are awarded exclusively to eligible EADV Members, based on applicants’ geographical location, to support in-person attendance at the 2025 Congress in Paris.

Michael Hornstein Memorial Scholarship

EADV will offer this scholarship to one selected applicant from each Central, Eastern, Western & Northern European country.

John Stratigos Memorial Scholarship

EADV will offer this scholarship to one selected applicant from each Southern European & Mediterranean country*.

Imrich Sarkany non-European Memorial Scholarship

EADV will offer this scholarship to one selected applicant for each non-European country – max thirty (30) applicants.

* including Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Morocco, Syria (Arab Rep), Tunisia, Türkiye.

In case of doubts on the Scholarship you need to apply for (according to your working country), please consult this list or contact [email protected]<

Mandatory criteria

  • Must be an EADV Member
  • Must be a Resident/Trainee OR a Specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology OR a Scientist/PhD Studentin the same field
  • Must be under 40 years of age (at the time of the application)
  • Must not have previously received an EADV Scholarship / Grant to attend an EADV event, nor have been awarded any other EADV Grant for 2025
  • Must have adequate knowledge of the English language
  • Will be expected to prepare a brief report at the conclusion of their experience (successful candidates only)

* PhD studies or research must specifically focus on dermatovenereology. Submissions related to any other specialty or subspecialty will not be considered eligible.
Scientists and PhD students must achieve a minimum of 25 points to be eligible, while the remaining two categories require a minimum of 5 points.

Required documentation (in English)

  • The Scholarship Application Form completed online
  • A short CV (not more than 3 pages)
  • A list of publications written as explained in the document “How to prepare my publications list” available here
    Please, download the relevant list of publications template from here and fill it in before you start your online application
    IMPORTANT: A new EXCEL template has been introduced for preparing your list of publications. Please, ensure that the list is filled in/updated accordingly before uploading it.
  • A letter of support* (endorsing the application) on official headed paper, written, signed, and stamped either by the training director or head of department
  • According to the professional status:
    A current copy in English of the applicant’s residency certificate* indicating the training start and end-dates
    The original copy in English (or certified translation) of the applicant’s specialist diploma
    A copy of PhD diploma in D&V + confirmation of current engagement* in full-time research in D&V / confirmation of current engagement* in PhD studies in D&V
  • A copy of ID (i.e. identity card, passport) showing applicant’s personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)

* Documents must be dated, signed, and stamped by the authorized individual or department and must not exceed a validity period of six months

IMPORTANT: Please note that all documents listed above are required and must be provided in the specified format when submitting your application. Applications submitted for incorrect scholarships or those that are incomplete or improperly filled out will be automatically rejected.

Scoring system

Evaluation of EADV scholarship applications is made based on an objective assessment of the applicant’s scientific activities.
Points are awarded according to the following scoring system:

Typology of publication1st or last author
(Number of points)
Any other place in the authors’ list
(Number of points)
Paper published in a journal indexed in PubMed2010
Book or chapter published by an international publisher168
Paper published in a journal NOT indexed in PubMed105
Book or chapter published by a national publisher84
Oral or other presentation presented in an international congress20
Oral or other presentation presented in a national congress10

To be eligible to apply:

  • Trainee or certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology: A minimum of 5 points is required.
  • PhD Student/Scientist in Dermatology and/or Venereology: A minimum of 25 points are required.
IMPORTANT: Only complete applications filled in according to the requested format will be considered by the Honours and Awards Committee. Applications submitted for the wrong scholarship or that are incomplete and/or not filled in properly will be automatically rejected.

We advise that applicants do not wait until the last day to submit the application as the whole procedure and eventual reviews require time to be finalised.

EADV Scholarship policies

  • Applications must be submitted through the MyEADV Portal within the period of the call opening.
    Applicants are required to access using the log-in details linked to their member profile.
  • Before submitting the application, ensure that all required documentation is prepared according to the provided instructions, and, afterwards, it is uploaded entirely.
  • We strongly advise that applicants do not wait until the last days to submit the application as the whole procedure and eventual reviews require time to be finalised.
  • Technical issues (such as internet disruptions, bugs, website downtime, browser compatibility issues, error messages, login issues, form validation errors, etc.) encountered over the deadline, cannot be solved the following day(s).
  • After the deadline has passed, no further applications can be accepted, and no exceptions will be allowed.

Candidates must meet all the application mandatory criteria to be eligible.

Only complete applications filled in according to the requested format will be considered by the Honours and Awards Committee.
Applications submitted for the wrong scholarship or that are incomplete and/or not filled in properly will be automatically rejected

The Scholarship Team might request minor amendments to application documents and list of publications in case they do not adhere to the requirements set by the Honours and Awards Committee.

Applications received by email cannot be accepted and will be automatically rejected.

Candidates are notified about their successful application and are given a deadline by which they must confirm their acceptance of the prize.

Before accepting the prize, they must ensure they have ample time to complete the visa application procedure (if necessary) and have no schedule conflicts that would prevent them from traveling and personally attending the event.

If the candidate is unable to attend the event, they must promptly inform the Scholarship Team so that an alternate awardee can be selected.

Once participation is confirmed, cancellation will not be possible under any circumstances, including illness, visa rejection, or any unforeseen event. Please note that deferrals are not allowed. Only in case of immediate withdrawal, eligible applicants will be entitled to reapply in the future.

The travel grant will be disbursed via bank transfer after the relevant event, contingent upon participation in the event and attendance at the Scholarship Ceremony.

Following the relevant event, awardees are required to share a brief report on their experience.
A template will be provided by the Scholarship Team at due time.

How to apply

  • The application to be submitted electronically through the MyEADV portal.
  • All documentation requested shall be collected and submitted to the EADV by the applicant.
  • All documentation must be in English.

Any request can be addressed to: [email protected]

Internet Explorer is not supported.
Please make sure you visit MyEADV and start your application from supported browsers such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera

EADV Scholarships

EADV Congress 2025

EADV Scholarship FAQs

EADV Scholarships are exclusively available to EADV Members and specifically to:

Membership categories:

Physicians in full-time training in dermatology and/or venereology, with the potential to become specialists in dermatology or venereology

Board certified specialists in dermatology and/or venereology

Scientists holding a PhD in dermatology and/or venereology and being currently engaged in research in the same field OR PhD Students in Dermatology and/or Venereology

If you are not yet an EADV member but wish to apply, please visit our webpage for more information or contact [email protected]

Candidates, to be eligible, must be under the age of 40 at the time of the application.

Yes, EADV Scholarships can only be received once in a professional’s career.

Yes, receiving any of the grants offered by EADV for the same year makes you ineligible for an EADV Scholarship.

However, participation in other EADV educational activities, such as EADV courses, does not affect your eligibility to apply for an EADV Scholarship.

Each scholarship is addressed to professionals practicing/working in a specific geographical area.

  • Michael Hornstein Memorial Scholarship: Central, Eastern, Western & Northern European countries.
  • John Stratigos Memorial Scholarship: Southern European & Mediterranean countries, including Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Morocco, Syria (Arab Rep), Tunisia, Türkiye.
  • Imrich Sarkany non-European Memorial Scholarship: Non-European Counties/Rest of the world

Full list of counties is available for consultation here.

A current trainee certificate (in English) indicating the beginning and expected end-dates of your training in Dermatology and/or Venereology on official letter-headed paper, signed and stamped by the head of the department or competent office within the clinic/university/hospital.

!!!! Documents must be dated, signed, and stamped by the authorized individual or department
!!!! Documents must not exceed a validity period of six months

  • Official letter in English from National Society, certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
  • Your Board certification in Dermatology and/or Venereology (original, if in English or Certified English translation)
  • A copy of your PhD diploma in Dermatology and/or Venereology and a confirmation (in English) of current engagement in full-time research in the same field

  • A confirmation (in English) of current PhD studies in Dermatology and/or Venereology. Document must indicate beginning and expected end-dates of your studies.

  • This letter should make a statement of support for the candidate. The content should underscore the applicant’s accomplishments, work, character, and accentuate the potential advantages the applicant could derive from the scholarship.
  • It is beneficial if the author of the letter has/had a direct academic or professional connection with the applicant.
  • We do not provide a template since we encourage the person endorsing your application to express their comments freely.
  • The letter cannot be self-written by the candidate him/herself.

Evaluation of EADV Scholarship applications (and identification of successful applicants) is based on an objective assessment of the applicant’s scientific activities. For this reason, to be eligible, applicants are required to submit a list of their contributions to be evaluated. Trainees or certified specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology are required to have a minimum of 5 points. PhD Students or Scientists in Dermatology and/or Venereology need to have a minimum of 25 points.
Scores must be self-assigned by the applicant according to the scoring system outlined within the guidelines.

Please, upload your list of publications in Excel. Other documents should be submitted in Word, PDF, Jpg, Png formats only. Heic, Pages format and compressed files/folders are not supported.

Guidelines on how to prepare your list are available for your consultation here. You may find a blank template to be filled in here.

Trainees or certified specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology are required to have a minimum of 5 points. PhD Students or Scientists in Dermatology and/or Venereology need to have a minimum of 25 points.

For each contribution, specify that you are the first or last co-author, you may then assign it the maximum points possible.

No special points are assigned to the corresponding author.

Only if first/last author you may assign the maximum points possible to your contribution

To typically classify a congress as international, two main factors are considered: the organizer and the attendance. This classification applies if:

  • The event is organized by an International Society (e.g., World Congress of Dermatology, IFPA Conference, EADV Congress/Symposium, ESDR annual meeting, CILAD annual meeting, etc.).
  • The event is organized by a national society but welcomes attendees from abroad (e.g., AAD annual meeting, BAD annual meeting, etc.).
  • You travelled abroad to present at a national event (or one organized by a national society) that typically only hosts attendees from its own country.
  • For articles: make sure that full details about authors (even if you are the only author), title of the article, name of the journal, DOI, year of publication, page numbers are present.
  • For books: make sure that full details about authors (even if you are the only author), title of book/chapter, page number(s), publisher/editor are present.
  • For poster/oral presentations: make sure that full details about authors (even if you are the only author, title of presentation, full name of conference (avoid abbreviations), venue/city and dates are present.
    Additionally, it must be mentioned if the contribution listed is an oral or other presentation (poster, video, lectures included in the event’s scientific programme …).

To be valid, the contributions must have been personally presented by the applicant.

You may refer to the guidelines for further details.

Oral presentations and other presentations (such as poster, video, lectures included in the event’s scientific programme).

Only presentations made at international, national, and regional scientific events are accepted.

Articles and books that are “in press” but have not yet been published by the time of application can only be included if the DOI/ISBN is displayed.

Posters/oral presentations to be held in the future cannot be added (even if already accepted).

  • Abstracts
  • Web publications
  • Articles/books “in press” but without DOI/ISBN
  • Newsletter content
  • Oral and other presentations to be held in the future
  • Presentations/speeches held at hospital departmental meetings
  • Presentations/speeches held at courses/workshops/task force meetings
  • Presentations/speeches held at events organised by pharmaceutical companies
  • Presentations/speeches attended as a moderator
  • Presentations/speeches attended as panelist

Please, follow the below tips:

  • Log-off from your profile and make a new log-in
  • Log into the platform using Chrome or Mozilla as browsers (Explorer is no longer supported and, if possible, avoid Safari)
  • If using a mobile device, make a further attempt by using a computer/laptop
  • Before entering the MyEADV platform, clean your browser’s cache and cookies
  • Make sure that all the required fields have been duly completed/filled-in (check always the bottom of the page for any error message)
  • Make sure that each of the uploaded documents’ weight does not exceed 5MB

If the issue is not solved, please contact [email protected]

!!!! Technical issues encountered over the deadline, cannot be solved the following day(s).

Healthcare Professional definition

  1. Important note to Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Professionals

    Access to the different areas and sessions of the Congress depends on the Healthcare Professional status.

    As a multidisciplinary audience will attend the EADV Congress, the EADV will assign different classes to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professionals (non-HCPs) to ensure compliance with the French Les Entreprises du Medicament (Leem) Rules of Professional Conduct (Dispositions Deontologiques Professionnelles (DDP)).

    Specifically, HCPs are classified into the following groups: medical doctors, nursing and midwifery professionals, dentists, pharmacists, professionals involved in rehabilitation, and technical paramedical professionals.

    Please read the description below to ensure that you (or your delegates) comply with the regulations in place.

EADV members are not automatically considered Healthcare Professionals

Please select the correct status (HCP or non-HCP) during registration.

  1. Definition
    The DDP code defines HCPs as follows:
    “Healthcare Professional: An individual who is a member of a healthcare profession regulated by the French Public Health Code, regardless of whether he or she is a civil servant or public official, or any other person practising in France who, in the course of his/her professional activities, may prescribe, purchase, dispense, recommend or administer a Medicinal Product. This definition does not apply to Healthcare Professionals employed by Companies, wholesalers or distributors, excluding those whose primary occupation is that of a practising Healthcare Professional.”

    Medical students
    are not considered Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as Non-Healthcare Professionals.
  1. Industry sessions
    Satellite Symposia and Industry Hub Sessions presenting data on the development, research, or other issues related to prescription medicine is restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants as indicated by the Industry Session Organizer.
    All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs.

    Industry Session organisers can limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to achieving the session’s intended purpose. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, particularly if they are not adequately related to the session’s objective and purpose.

    The industry session organiser is responsible for compliance with the session.

International Junior Scientist in full time training in D&V


This category of membership is open to scientists in full time training in Dermatology and/or Venereology or related sciences.

A Junior Scientist in full time training shall become a (Junior) Scientist with PhD/(Junior) Fellow Member provided he/she produces evidence of certification of specialisation according to the application procedure set out in Article 4 (A) of these Statutes.

Junior Scientist in full time training shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Scientist in full time training shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. A letter from your head of the department attesting that you are a PhD student at the Department of Dermatology and/or Venereology from (starting date) to (expected ending date)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



International Fellow


This category of membership is open to: Specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology of non-European nationality who are certified as specialists outside Europe and who provide evidence of certification and whose application is approved according to Article 4 of these Statutes

International Fellow Members are entitled to vote and are eligible to be elected to the Board, but not as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Confirmation of specialisation in dermatology and/or venereology, one of the below documents:
    • Official letter in English from National Society, certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Your Board certification in Dermatology and/or Venereology (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



Junior Fellow


This category of membership is open to Fellow Members under the age of 35 who have recently been certified as a specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology. Members have the option of continuing in this category after full specialisation until they reach 35 years of age.

Junior Fellows are entitled to apply to become Fellow Members before reaching 35 years of age if they so wish and if they satisfy the requirements for Fellow Members membership outlined in Statute 5 (B) above.

Junior Fellows shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Fellows shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Confirmation of specialisation in dermatology and/or venereology, one of the below documents:
    • Official letter in English from National Society, certifying that the you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Official letter in English signed by an EADV Fellow Member in good standing from your country certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Your Board certification in Dermatology and/or Venereology (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



Junior Scientist with PHD in D&V


This category of membership is open to Physicians or scientists under the age of 35 who have recently been certified as PhD scientists in Dermatology and/or Venereology. Members have the option of continuing in this category after full specialisation until they reach 35 years of age.

Junior Scientist with PhD are entitled to apply to become Scientist with PhD/Fellow Members before reaching 35 years of age if they so wish and if they satisfy the requirements for Fellow Members membership outlined in Statute 5 (B) above.

Junior Scientist with PhD shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Scientist with PhD shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Your PhD diploma (or equivalent) – displaying that the PhD was held in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. Confirmation of current engagement in full-time research in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects
  4. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



Junior Resident


This membership category is open to physicians in full-time training in dermatology and/or venereology, with the potential to become specialists in dermatology or venereology certified in Europe.

Junior Residents shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Residents shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Up-to date residency/training confirmation, one of the below documents:
    • Official letter in English signed by an EADV Fellow Member in good standing from your country certifying that you are a trainee in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Trainee certificate in English indicating the beginning and expected end of your training in Dermatology and/or Venereology on official letter-headed paper, signed and stamped by the head of the department
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



Junior Scientist in full time training in D&V


This category of membership is open to scientists in full time training in Dermatology and/or Venereology or related sciences.

A Junior Scientist in full time training shall become a (Junior) Scientist with PhD/(Junior) Fellow Member provided he/she produces evidence of certification of specialisation according to the application procedure set out in Article 4 (A) of these Statutes.

Junior Scientist in full time training shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Scientist in full time training shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. A letter from your head of the department attesting that you are a PhD student at the Department of Dermatology and/or Venereology from (starting date) to (expected ending date)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



International Junior Fellow


This category of membership is open to Fellow Members of non-European nationality under the age of 35 who have recently been certified as a specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology. Members have the option of continuing in this category after full specialisation until they reach 35 years of age.

Junior Fellows are entitled to apply to become Fellow Members before reaching 35 years of age if they so wish and if they satisfy the requirements for Fellow Members membership outlined in Statute 5 (B) above.

Junior Fellows shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Fellows shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Confirmation of specialisation in dermatology and/or venereology, one of the below documents:
    • Official letter in English from National Society, certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Your Board certification in Dermatology and/or Venereology (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



International Junior Scientist with PHD in D&V


This category of membership is open to Physicians or scientists of non-European nationality under the age of 35 who have recently been certified as PhD scientists in Dermatology and/or Venereology. Members have the option of continuing in this category after full specialisation until they reach 35 years of age.

Junior Scientist with PhD are entitled to apply to become Scientist with PhD/Fellow Members before reaching 35 years of age if they so wish and if they satisfy the requirements for Fellow Members membership outlined in Statute 5 (B) above.

Junior Scientist with PhD shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Scientist with PhD shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Your PhD diploma (or equivalent) – displaying that the PhD was held in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. Confirmation of current engagement in full-time research Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects
  4. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



International Junior Resident


This membership category is open to physicians in full-time training in dermatology and/or venereology, with the potential to become specialists in dermatology or venereology certified outside Europe.

Junior Residents shall pay a reduced membership fee.

Junior Residents shall be entitled to vote but are not eligible to be elected to the Board or as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Up-to date residency/training confirmation in English indicating the beginning and expected end of your training in Dermatology and/or Venereology on official letter-headed paper, signed and stamped by the head of the department
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



Scientist with PHD in D&V


This category of membership is open to: Scientists holding a PhD degree or the equivalent in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology-related subjects and who are engaged in full time research in these or related subjects.

Scientist with PhD shall be entitled to vote and are eligible to be elected to the Board and as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Your PhD diploma (or equivalent) – displaying that the PhD was held in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. Confirmation of current engagement in full-time research in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects
  4. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


Including JEADV online only


Including JEADV print & online



International Scientist with PHD in D&V


This category of membership is open to: Scientists holding a PhD degree or the equivalent in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects and who are engaged in full time research in these or related subjects.

Scientists holding a PhD degree are entitled to vote and are eligible to be elected to the Board, but not as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Your PhD diploma (or equivalent) – displaying that the PhD was held in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. Confirmation of current engagement in full-time research in Dermatology and/or Venereology and/or Cutaneous Biology related subjects
  4. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


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Including JEADV print & online





This category of membership is open to:

  • Specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology who are certified as specialists in Europe.
  • European nationals who are certified as specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology.

Fellow Members shall be entitled to vote and are eligible to be elected to the Board and as Officers of the Academy.

Documentation to provide:

  1. Copy of your ID card or passport showing your personal data (information must be understandable to international readers)
  2. Confirmation of specialisation in dermatology and/or venereology, one of the below documents:
    • Official letter in English from National Society, certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Official letter in English signed by an EADV Fellow Member in good standing from your country certifying that you are a Board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology
    • OR
      Your Board certification in Dermatology and/or Venereology (in English or Certified English translation)
  3. A duly signed copy of the document called “Agreement of Adherence to EADV Statutes”


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Including JEADV print & online

