Nominations and elections

Thank you for your interest.
There currently are no open Calls for Nominations / ongoing Elections.

Leadership and Committee structures have been updated on the Leadership and Committees page.

EADV is pleased to communicate the opening of the below Calls for Nominations

If you are interested in any of the positions below, log on to MyEADV where you will find instructions and will be able to submit your nomination.

We urge all interested in submitting a nomination to read the downloadable Calls attentively and familiarise themselves with the eligibility criteria and nomination procedure. Please ensure to submit your Nomination Pack before the deadline.

The Calls for Nominations section is accessible via the MyEADV portal. Use your EADV Membership username and password to access it.

Calls for Nominations are available via the “Opportunities” tab at the top of the page.

All email exchanges related to your nomination will be sent to the email address provided to the Academy as part of your membership profile. Consequently, please ensure this is up-to-date and valid.

Internet Explorer is not supported.
Please make sure you visit MyEADV and start your application from supported browsers such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera

We thank all who took an interest in the recent Calls for Nominations

Are you interested in EADV elected positions? Visit this website regularly, this is where we publish our Calls for Nominations!

Board Representatives to the EC

Committee Members

  • Communication Committee 1 vacancy
  • Ethics Committee 4 vacancies
  • Finance Committee 1 vacancy
  • Honours and Awards Committee 1 vacancy
  • Nomination and Election Monitoring Committee 2 vacancies
  • Project Proposal Review Committee 3 vacancies

Ethics Committee Chair

Finance Committee Chair-Elect

Practical tips concerning Calls for Nominations

The standard length of a Call for Nominations is 4 weeks.

Should the time window be different, this will be specified in the Call itself and on this website.

The opening and closing time of Calls for Nominations are based on the 24-hour clock format

Nomination pack documents

The documents that make up the nomination Pack vary depending on each position. However, all positions require the following:


A short CV of a maximum of 2 A4 pages;


A recent head and shoulders photograph;

In addition to the above, the following filled out forms will be required.

These forms will be available within each open Call for Nomination on the MyEADV Portal.


The endorsement request forms require the collection of the signatures from a Proposer and Seconder *.

Acceptance of Nomination

This form will be integrated in your application.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

This form will be available via the application.

Code of Conduct and Behaviour

This form will be available via the application.

  • Depending on the position, some Calls for Nomination may require additional documents: mission / position statement, letters of support and/or publication record.
  • The official language of the Academy is English, therefore all submitted documents must be in English to be considered valid.
  • Incomplete Nomination Packs and documents non-compliant with the Call will not be considered valid and late submissions will not be accepted.
  • We urge you once again to attentively read and familiarise yourself with the Call.
  • If you are thinking of submitting a nomination in the near future, we suggest you start making contact with 2 endorsers *.
Eligibility criteria

The Nominee must be an EADV Member in good standing and with voting rights.

Depending on the advertised position, the membership category of eligible nominees may vary. Details about eligible membership categories will be available on the Call itself. 

* Proposer and Seconder: 
The Proposer and Seconder must be EADV Members in good standing and with voting rightsDepending on the position being advertised, the membership category of eligible proposers and seconders may vary. These details will be available on the Call itself.

Conduct, Behaviour and Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

Extract from article 14 of the EADV Statutes: All candidates must agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Academy, complete the Conflict of Interest statement of the Academy and adhere to the Rules governing the behaviour of candidates presenting for election as provided for in the bylaws. Failure to do so may invalidate the candidature.

Candidate Profile and election results:

The names and countries of the candidate, proposer and seconder as well as the CV, position / mission statement, letters of support (whenever required), photograph and duly filled out and signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form will be made public to the voters as part of the Candidate Profile.
The name, country and photograph of elected candidates will be published on the EADV website.

For the Academy’s privacy regulations see EADV Privacy Policy

Annual membership fee and rights as EADV Member:

From the EADV Statutes, article 6. – Suspension of membership
Annual membership fees must be credited to the Academy by May 31 (January 31 starting with 2022). Any Member whose fee is not credited to the Academy is excluded from all rights of membership and from all benefits. Any Member whose fee is credited to the Academy after May 31 (January 31 starting with 2022) shall have his/her membership benefits restored from the credit date, and membership rights ( such as voting, standing for election, endorsing membership applications and proposing and seconding candidates for any election) restored from January 1 of the following year.

Recent Calls for Nominations

See the Leadership and Committees page for the most updated compositions of the Board.

Board Representatives to the EC

Committee Chairs and Members

Nominations and elections were held for the following Committees: Communication, Ethics, Finance Honours and Awards, Nomination and Election Monitoring, Project Proposal Review

President-Elect 2024-2026

Board Members: 2024 summer round

Calls for Nominations were advertised for the following Board Member positions: Albania(1 vacancy), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Croatia(1), France(1), Georgia(1), Germany(2), Hungary(1), North Macedonia(1), Poland(2), Portugal(1), Romania(2), Slovenia(1), Spain(1), Sweden (1), Switzerland(1), Türkiye(1).

Board Members: 2024 spring round

Nominations and elections were held for the following Board Member positions: Bulgaria(1 vacancy), Hungary (1) Italy(1), Lithuania(1) and Türkiye(1).

EADV Elections

The results of all the EADV elections held in 2024, will be announced by the Secretary General at the 2024 Annual General Meeting (Amsterdam, 27 September 2024 at 12:30 CEST). The EADV website will be updated accordingly in the days following the Amsterdam Congress

President-Elect 2024-2026

Last days to vote

Board Members: 2024 summer round

Last days to vote

Summer elections for Board Member vacancies are being held for the following countries:  Albania (1 vacancy), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Croatia(1), France (1), Georgia(1), Germany(2), Hungary(1), North Macedonia (1), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Romania (2), Spain (1), Sweden (1), Switzerland (1), Türkiye(1).

Board Members: 2024 spring round

All email exchanges related to elections will be sent to the email address provided to the Academy as part of your membership profile. 
Consequently, please ensure this is up-to-date and valid.

As per normal EADV practices, online elections are being managed by Civica Election Services (CES) the Academy’s long-standing supplier. EADV members with voting rights should be on the lookout for an email with voting links from CES .

You cannot find CES’s email in your inbox? We strongly suggest you check your junk mail folder as the voting email might have been redirected there automatically by the security system of your server or email provider.

Questions about EADV elections or Calls for Nominations?

For questions related to Calls for Nominations, elections or any relevant procedures, including eligibility criteria or voting rights, please contact us.

This email address is active and valid all year round.