EADV Leadership Development

About the programme

  • The EADV Leadership Development Programme is offering EADV Members a unique opportunity to acquire the skills that differentiate a successful leader and which are becoming essential in a challenging and fast-changing world.
  • We are offering the opportunity to become a certified Emotional Intelligence leader under the Beyond Emotional Intelligence (BeyondEI) coaching team.
  • An intense one-year programme oriented towards the development of the Foundation Skills of Emotional Intelligence, (Self-Awareness, Focus, Emotional Balance, Empathy, Positive Outlook and Adaptability).

“The EADV leadership development initiative is an excellent opportunity for the acquisition of new skills to face the challenges of leadership in dermatology. It has already improved the way I interact with my patients and team members and I highly recommend it.”

Dr. Neil Rajan, United Kingdom

“The EADV Leadership Initiative has been a great opportunity for professional growth for me. It has become a  transformation of my professional life, helping me to lead with awareness and find a leadership style as group leader that I am comfortable with.”

Dr. Beatrice Dyring-Andersen, Denmark

“By the time the training began, I was appointed a bigger leadership role than I ever expected to have, so the LDI Programme staff, my LDI colleagues and my coach were my best companions and mentors in my first months of my new job. It was an incredible support and inspiration at that very special point of my life.”

Dr. Elvira Lazic Mozler, Croatia

“Are you curious to know how your emotions impact your decisions in daily life? Would you like to inspire people around you so that they can be great whatever they want to do? Do you feel ready for facing challenging times? This is a never-ending learning experience with a beautiful journey with the coaching team.”

Prof. Paolo Gisondi, Italy

“I am grateful to the EADV for giving me the opportunity to participate in the LDI. The course has provided me with a powerful tool to generate and organise positive energy both professionally and in the private life. Participation may even help breaking bad habits by emphasising the role of reflection, mindfulness, compassion, emotional and social skills in all aspects of life.”

Dr. Ditte Marie Saunte, Denmark

“It was a transformative experience, thanks to the excellent coaching team and wonderful fellows’ group. It was also a great training to embrace and drive positive change, tremendously helpful during the challenging pandemic times.”

Ass. Prof. Ana-Maria Forsea, Romania

What participants can expect

This approach represents a paradigm shift in how we think about and develop Emotional Intelligence (EI). It has long been established that EI is not only a key differentiator among leaders but is comprised of both a foundational and relational set of skills that form the basis of our intrapersonal and interpersonal effectiveness.

Many courses aim to deepen our intellectual understanding of a topic but stop significantly short of providing repeatable, actionable practices we can integrate into our day-to-day lives

Since all habit change requires responding differently to the internal and external cues that typically guide our actions and behaviors, you have to really want different results than you’re getting today to have the consistent motivation to acquire new ones.

    Highlights from the Leadership Development Programme 2019

    To achieve our highest and best use, we must start with the end in mind. For that reason, we have combined the following key elements geared towards promoting lasting habit change:


    1. Succinct, online and in-person learning content for people with busy lives and a finite amount of time.
    2. Evidence-based micro-techniques studied by experts in neuroscience and mindfulness. Training for the brain that when practiced increase self and other awareness, connection, and resilience.
    3. Opportunities for introspection and practice, both of which we know are vital to adopting any new habit or behavior.
    4. A learning platform designed for you to share with other people going through the course at the same time and your EI Coach, for those who opt to do so as a strategy to jumpstart their progress.

    Programme Coach

    S. Michele NevarezFounder and CEO

    Founder and CEO

    As Founder and CEO of Beyond EI’s Coaching and Training programs, Michele’s vision is to democratize Emotional Intelligence as a means of igniting personal and global agency. This driving force is at the core of how the programs she has designed translate EI from theory to a powerful and practical vehicle for meaningful transformation and lasting habit change. It isn’t enough to leave our insights of Emotional Intelligence at the level of theory. We must operationalize EI in a manner that we come to know first-hand what it means to embody the wisdom of EI in our own lives. Michele brings 25+ years of executive leadership experience working for industry leaders in healthcare, investment management, management consulting, and manufacturing. A founding member of Rangjung Yeshe Institute based in Kathmandu, Nepal, Michele has been studying Tibetan Buddhist philosophy and practicing the wisdom at the core of its contemplative meditation practices for 29 years. Michele received her B.A. in Religion from Bryn Mawr College and Master of Science degree in Positive Organizational Development and Change from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.

    Programme prepared on behalf of the EADV EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

    Be on the lookout for the call for applications for the 4th edition to be launched in 2024!

    For more information contact