EADV engages with policymakers and stakeholders to strengthen the position of dermatology venereology and increase awareness about skin and sexual health and prevention.
Burden of Skin Disease Supplement Issue
The EADV has published a Supplement Issue on the Burden of Skin Disease in the JEADV.
This study is the largest of its kind ever undertaken in Europe.
Call to action on chronic inflammatory skin disease
On October 24th, EADV members met with members of the European Parliament and other EU policymakers to raise awareness of the burden of skin disease and to call for concerted efforts to reduce their impact on individuals, the economy and society.
Advocacy highlights:

Global Call to Action to Protect Outdoor Workers from Skin Cancer by Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure
Launched on 12 October 2023 at the 2nd Multi-Stakeholder Summit on Occupational Skin Cancer, in Berlin, Germany on the occasion of the EADV Congress (11 – 15 October 2023)

The four co-hosting organizations of the Multi-Stakeholder Summit on Occupational and non-Occupational Skin Cancer held in Berlin, Germany on October 12th, 2023 – in cooperation with patient advocacy groups, humanitarian NGOs, scientific societies, occupational safety and health professionals, and UV-protective agent manufacturers – call for the implementation of a systematic approach to addressing the Skin Cancer Epidemic in Persons with

Scoping study on high-burden, under-researched medical conditions
Several dermatological conditions have been identified as high-burden and under-researched medical conditions in a discussion paper released by the European Commission. Have your say and provide your feedback on the report to EADV’s Advocacy Working Group.

Policy Roundtable: Addressing the Burden of Skin Disease in Europe through Policies and Partnerships
EADV’s Policy Roundtable brought together dermatologists, patients organisations, industry, the WHO, European Commission and European Parliament for a solution-oriented discussion on the actions needed to tackle skin diseases in the EU.

Policy Roundtable: Towards earlier detection of skin cancer in Europe
1 in 3 cancers diagnosed worldwide is a skin cancer, and prevalence of melanoma and keratinocyte carcinomas continues to increase in Caucasian populations. While the burden of skin cancer is very high for patients as well as healthcare systems and society, it remains a severely underestimated public health problem.

Joint Statement
On the occasion of World Cancer Day, EADV launches its Joint Statement on skin cancer prevention, a call for policy action signed by 58 stakeholder organisations and Members of the European Parliament.