Scoping study on high-burden, under-researched medical conditions

The European Commission has released the discussion paper: “Scoping study on evidence to tackle high-burden under-researched medical conditions” identifying groups of disorders of high-burden under-researched medical conditions.

Four out of the 12 groups identified are dermato-venereology conditions:

  1. Skin and subcutaneous diseases: Dermatitis; Hidradenitis Suppurativa; Genital Lichen Sclerosus; Lichen Planus
  2. Conditions related to sexual health
  3. Immune related diseases Allergy (food allergy); Autoimmune diseases; Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and
  4. Other: Chronic Lyme disease; Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)


These diseases or conditions are deemed to receive insufficient research funding relative to the expected level of funding based on their burden. Skin diseases are often omitted in EU policies, and dermato-venereology research has been largely neglected in previous EU research framework programmes.

EADV’s Advocacy Working Group is developing numerous initiatives to improve awareness about the burden of skin and venereal disease, and to foster the development of policies and practices that improve the healthcare and quality of life of the 47.9% (94 million) European adults that are affected by skin and venereal disease each year.

Have your say!

The present report will support the development of future EU funding programmes. If you have any comments or feedback on the report, including specific areas of dermato-venereology that you believe should be highlighted, please contact Your suggestions will be reviewed by the Advocacy Working Group and integrated into EADV’s advocacy activities as appropriate.

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