Terms of use

This Terms of Use governs our relationship with users and others who interact with EADV Digital Products (“the User”).

The EADV Digital Products are:

  • the official EADV website (,
  • any dedicated EADV Congress website,
  • any dedicated EADV Symposium website,
  • any EADV registration for events website;
  • any mobile app or any services and products from our partners and suppliers somehow related to our activities.

By using any of the EADV Digital Products you acknowledge and agree to these Terms of Use. We encourage you to read them carefully and, if necessary, to seek legal advice before using the Digital Product and so accepting them. EADV reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. The latest release available on our site at the moment of your use of the website applies.


The EADV Digital Products are not an attempt to practice medicine or to provide specific medical advice. None of the EADV Digital Products may be used to make a diagnosis or to replace, overrule, integrate, second or somehow be considered in connection with a qualified health care provider’s opinion. Nor may users rely upon any EADV Digital Products if they need medical treatment. Use of programs on the Website does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Users shall consult with qualified health care professionals for any medical needs.

In case you accept to submit personal information to EADV and do so, EADV processes your data respectfully and according to clauses “Privacy Policy: 4. Use of your information” and, if applicable, any specific Guidelines of the concerned activity.

All materials on the EADV Digital Products are owned by EADV or eventually by third party content and service providers, and are usually protected under national and international copyright and trademark laws. Altering, recompiling, systematic or programmatic copying, reselling, redistributing, publishing or re-publishing of copyrighted material or any part thereof without the explicit permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise stated, users may print or download information from the website for personal, free of charge, educational, non-commercial use only, provided they use them for such purposes only, indicate the source of the material and include a statement that the materials are protected by national and international copyright and trademark laws.

By uploading your content to any of the EADV Digital Products you agree that your content is being published, duplicated, distributed and made publicly accessible non-exclusively and royalty free.

Any EADV Digital Products may also include links to other (even non – EADV) Digital Products. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that EADV endorses such Digital Products. We have no responsibility for the content of the linked Digital Products. EADV is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of contents referenced to.

While trying to keep the information on any EADV Digital Products as accurate as possible, EADV disclaims any warranty concerning its accuracy, timeliness and completeness, and any other warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability for a particular purpose. Access to any EADV Digital Productsis not granted to be error-, trojan-, worm- or virus-free. EADV, nor their officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, information providers or suppliers shall have any liability to any users under any theory of liability or indemnity in connection with the use of any Digital Products. The user hereby releases and forever waives any and all claims they may have against EADV, their officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, information providers or suppliers for losses or damages to be sustained in connection with the use of any Digital Products.

2. Your Representations, Warranties and Obligations

You guarantee the EADV that you are entitled to the described granting of data and no third party rights oppose this (e.g. due to contractual relationships with third parties or due to unclarified personal rights) and furthermore that no statutory provisions are breached due to the contractual use of the data. You will exempt the EADV or other authorized third parties from any claims by third parties who wish to assert these due to a possible legal breach.


It might be required to register by creating an account and log in to any of the EADV Digital Products in order to have access thereto. Under certain circumstances the information about creation of the account might come from the EADV department in charge.

In consideration of your use of any EADV Digital Products, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as required in the registration form. Moreover, you agree to maintain and promptly update such information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. According to our Privacy Policy each registered user of any EADV Digital Product is able to modify, rectify, erase and transport the personal data which was shared with EADV by the EADV Digital Product.

EADV´s Digital Products might offer the ability to remove the account. You have the right to contact us at any time by writing to [email protected].

EADV can stop providing you all or part of any EADV Digital Products if you clearly, seriously or repeatedly violate this Terms of Use or our Policies, or if we are required to do so by law.


The user of any EADV Digital Products is entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her password and account, and for any and all activities that occur under such account. Each password and account are personal and non-transferable.

In particular, the website provides you with access to many exclusive features and information, some of which are personalized and confidential. Therefore, we remind you that your password should be strong enough to protect such data from unwanted access and to keep it confidential.

In order to increase your password security, please create a password by following the rules below:

  1. Choose a password that no one will easily guess or hack
  2. Make sure your password contains at least: 1 capital letter, 1 symbol and 1 number
  3. Make sure your password is long – min 8 characters
  4. Do not share your password with anybody
  5. Write your password down and keep in a safe place
  6. Modify your password from time to time

Sharing Access

EADV strongly forbids sharing access to the account (login and password) of any of the EADV Digital Products to third party individuals or organizations, as the content available on EADV´s Digital Products contains exclusive features and information, some of which are personalized and confidential. In case of doubts, please contact us by writing to [email protected].

Scam Alert

Please beware of scam companies pretending to offer accommodation, registration to the EADV Congress and Symposia (adding a percentage of commissions) or any unauthorized by EADV activity!

3. Specific Services

Registering for Congresses and Symposia

In order to enroll for a conference or to enlist other services you need to register via Registration Portal “ (“the Portal”) and must enter your personal data required for the accreditation. JMT edits this data according to valid data protection laws and the Privacy Policy published on the Portal. You have to choose your own password. You are responsible to keep it secure , strong (see article “5. Password Policy” below) and prevent misuse.

EADV shall inform you about all other data needed during the registration process. According to the offer you may apply as a lecturer by submitting your lecture or an abstract or offer lectures, poster or e-poster for publication during the congress and/or within digital print- or online media. In this case the following conditions apply.

Submitting Abstracts

If EADV offers you the possibility, you may upload to the Portal an abstract of the lecture or the complete lecture you wish to give at the Congress or that you wish to publish in digital print- or online media. The same applies for e-posters or similar publications (hereinafter together referred to as “Abstracts”). By uploading the data you agree that the Abstract is passed on from JMT (“provider of the Platform”) to EADV resp. the examination commission assigned by him. If the Abstract is endorsed, EADV may invite you to the Congress as a lecturer; however, he is not obliged to do so.

By uploading your Content (1) to the Portal you agree to your Content being published, duplicated, distributed and made publicly 0accessible non-exclusively and royalty free on the EADV’s websites as well as on the provider of the Platform or other third party websites, in all print and online media or other data services, especially in the Congress catalogue, in data carriers for Content (e.g. DVD, CD-ROM, USB), in membership lists and on any online-portals operated by EADV or authorized third parties and any publications ensuing in connection with the Congress, wholly or partially, transferable and unrestricted in terms of time and place.

You guarantee the provider of the Platform, EADV and other third parties authorised to use your abstract that you are entitled to the described granting of rights and no third party rights oppose this (e.g. due to contractual relationships with third parties or due to unclarified personal rights) and furthermore that no statutory provisions are breached due to the contractual use of the abstract. You will exempt the provider of the Platform, EADV or other authorised third parties from any claims by third parties who wish to assert these due to a possible legal breach.

Attending as a Listener

Your participation at a Conference is subject to the conditions (dates, prices, etc.) stated during the registration process. You can book your participation (binding offer) at the selected Conference during the registration process by clicking on the button “order with costs” and then “confirm booking”. Before booking, all entries will be shown to you in a confirmation window and may be corrected by you by using the normal mouse or keyboard functions. The provider of the Platform will pass on your accreditation and other wishes to EADV provided that you have accepted the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy published on the Platform.

The processing of payments is done through a so-called PayGate that may be operated by a third party. For this purpose the provider of the Platform will direct you to the relevant PayGate Portal.

A contract on the accreditation only comes into being after the payment of the partial fee and explicit acceptance by EADV has taken place. In this case you will receive an accreditation confirmation from EADV or from the provider of the Platform on behalf of and by order of EADV.

Should a Congress be canceled or postponed the legal requirements and regulations of EADV shall apply concerning any return of tickets or other reversals of transactions.

Attending as a Guest Speaker

If EADV has invited you as a guest speaker and if you submit your Abstract within this context to the Portal the regulations for the transfer of rights and rights guarantees apply according to clauses …….

The provider of the Platform is also liable for damages for which it is responsible from the injury to life, body or health. A possible liability according to local Law may remain  unaffected.

The provider of the Platform is only liable for all remaining damages in the case of a breach of an essential contractual obligation, i.e. an obligation that enables the realisation of the contract according to the rules in the first place and in which adherence you may regularly trusts. The liability, however, is in any case restricted to the loss with which the provider of the Platform would have to typically reckon under the circumstances known at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

In the case of a delay or impossibility for which the provider of the Platform is responsible and which does not represent any essential contractual breach, a liability on the part of the provider of the Platform is excluded if it is merely guilty of slight negligence or the delay or impossibility is based on force majeure or other events outside of its sphere of influence. Moreover, the liability is restricted to the typical, foreseeable damage.

The provider of the Platform retains the right to prevent contents you made available on the Portal and which appear questionable to the provider of the Platform from being spread on the Portal as soon as it acquired knowledge of this. The provider of the Platform will immediately inform you of this. The same applies if the provider of the Platform is requested by third parties to change or delete contents made publicly accessible online because they apparently breach third party rights. In case you can provide evidence that a breach of third party rights is not on hand, the provider of the Platform will, upon your request, make the contents in question accessible again.

4. Sundry

Payments, billing and refunds

If you make a payment on our Digital Products, you agree to the Payments Terms delivered by the provider of the payment service unless it is stated that other terms apply.
Information about EADV payment policy can be obtained under the address [email protected].

Benefits and Offerings

Certain sections of EADV benefits and offerings are available only to registered users or EADV members with the active status. The access might depend on the type of user account of EADV membership type.

EADV reserves the right to add, remove, change or put temporarily on hold any of the EADV benefits and offerings available through our Digital Products.

Other Providers’ Fees

If you use EADV´s Digital Products on mobile devices please be aware that your carrier´s normal rates and fees will still apply.

5. Applicable Law

The relationship between EADV and any user of the Website and, specifically, these Terms of Use shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the substantive laws of Switzerland and governed by them, except for any conflict of laws rules, which are expressly waived.


6. Jurisdiction

In the event of any controversies arising from these Terms and Conditions or related thereto or related to the “Late abstract submission”, inclusive of issues such as validity, nullity, violation or termination thereof, the parties involved shall first attempt to reach a settlement. Failing this within one month from the time when the controversy arose, the same shall be brought exclusively before the ordinary Court at the seat of EADV. At present the seat of EADV is in Lugano, Switzerland.