25-28 sept 2024


25-28 SEPTEMBER 2024


Reduced registration fee

EADV extends the opportunity for 500 attendees to attend its annual EADV Congress at a discounted rate. Applicants can apply for a Reduced Registration Fee (RRF) by submitting a motivation letter in English.

This special offer applies to dermatologists, venereologists, students and trainees who are not financially supported by a third party to attend the event. Both EADV Members and Non-Members can apply following the criteria listed below.

The Reduced Registration Fee ticket varies depending on the country of residence (classification is made according to the World Bank classification by income).

500 available spots divided into 2 categories depending on the country of residence:


Reduced Registration Fee

Low and Lower-Middle income economies


EUR 80

Reduced Registration Fee

Upper-Middle and High-Income economies


EUR 100

The fee covers full registration to the EADV Congress 2024 (Full Ticket).

Before applying for the Reduced Registration Fee (RRF), please carefully read the below Conditions to Apply and the Mandatory Criteria, to familiarise yourself with the application requirements, deadline, motivation letter details, and procedures.

Conditions to apply

  • Only one application per person can be submitted;
  • Group or Third-party applications/bookings will not be considered;
  • Each successful applicant must pay for their own RRF ticket; RRF for successful applicants must not be paid, sponsored or managed by companies, institutions, travel agencies or any other party. If a successful applicant receives the support of another party, they will automatically lose the advantage of the lower registration fee;
  • RRF applications must be submitted by Wednesday, 11 September 2024. All applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered;
  • The selection of eligible RRF applications is based on a first-come, first-served basis (provided that the application has been successfully selected and the fee has been paid). This means that the available category might be sold out before the published deadlines. Please allow sufficient time in order to submit your RRF application;
  • The notification of a successful or unsuccessful application will be provided within 10 working days.

Mandatory criteria

Mandatory criteria

  • Non-members can apply for an RRF, but only once.
    In order to be eligible to receive it another time, they need to apply for an EADV membership;
  • EADV active members are eligible to receive an RRF up to three times without submitting an abstract and more than three times by submitting an abstract. However:
    1. An RRF applicant is not eligible to receive the reduced fee for consecutive events.
      E.g.: a participant registered as an RRF recipient for 2024 Spring Symposium in Malta is not eligible to receive it for the 2024 Congress in Amsterdam);
    2. A candidate applying for more than one grant (e.g. EADV Scholarship, etc.) can be selected only once within the same EADV Congress or Symposium; a candidate finalising and paying for an RRF can no longer be awarded another grant for the same event. Therefore, any other application submitted will be automatically cancelled;
    3. Applicants that paid a regular registration fee for the event before applying for an RRF cannot be taken into consideration for the RRF for the same event, since refunds are not possible;
  • A meaningful motivation letter written in English must be submitted to validate the RRF application.
    The motivation letter needs to be 150-300 words, specifying the reason(s) behind your motivation to attend the event.

Applications closed

Apply via the online platform, by clicking on ‘Applications’.
If you already have a profile (i.e. if you are an EADV Member or if you already accessed any EADV-related platform) log in, OR create your profile.


Important note to Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Professionals

Access to the different areas and sessions of the Congress depends on the status. Please read the description below to ensure you/your delegates comply with the regulations in place.
EADV Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please attribute the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during registration.


A multidisciplinary audience will attend the EADV Congress, and the EADV will assign different classes to healthcare professionals (HCP) and non-Healthcare Professionals (non-HCP) to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Chapter 3 of the Dutch CGR code defines HCPs as follows:
3.1 In the purpose of this Code of Conduct, the following terms shall bear the following meaning:
healthcare professionals: persons qualified to prescribe or supply prescription-only medicinal products.

Further explanation is provided in The General information about organising scientific meetings and Frequently Asked Questions from the CGR (Dutch Foundation for the Code for Pharmaceutical Advertising (to be referred to as the general information document from here on out) (20170214 CGR informatie congresorganisaties), where it states (at section 2 a, page 2) that: In the Netherlands the group of healthcare professionals comprises: physicians, physicians who are being trained to become a specialist (‘artsen in opleiding’), pharmacists, pharmacist’s assistants, obstetricians, dentists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and specialised nurses.

Dutch Nurses, in Particular

It further clarifies that:
… “Specialised nurses (limited to the lung, diabetes and oncology areas) only have independent prescription authority if they have completed a specific training programme for this purpose. The completion of this training is entered in the BIG register and so can be checked by anyone. This means that all of the other healthcare providers, such as regular nurses, dieticians, dental hygienists or supportive GP practitioners (‘praktijkondersteuners’), are not healthcare professionals and so – just like patients – belong to the ‘general public’. This group will be referred to below as ‘non-healthcare professionals’.

In terms of specialised nurses, the explanatory notes to the CGR code (20200701 Explanatory Notes CGR per 20200701) provide a specific list to be taken into consideration:

3.1.d Definition of “healthcare professional”
…. pharmacist’s assistants and nurses with the additional BIG registrations:

Specialised nurses (gespecialiseerd verpleegkundigen):

  • Diabetes nurses
  • Pulmonary care nurses
  • Oncology nurses

Specialised nurses may only be considered as healthcare professionals if their BIG registration states that they have prescription authority. ….
Nurse specialists (NS) (verpleegkundig specialisten):

  • NS providing general healthcare
  • NS providing mental healthcare


Lastly, the explanatory notes state (at page 3) that:
Physicians in training to become a specialist (artsen in opleiding) are also considered as healthcare professionals within the meaning of the Code of Conduct. Medical students are not considered healthcare professional (see Newsletter 2006/4).

Other Categories

The general information document (sections 2d and e, page 3) goes on to clarify that industry employees and specialised journalists can be exposed to promotional content. Yet patients, patient representatives, and regular press or specialised journalists who target the general public will still be considered non-HCPs and should not be exposed to promotional content.
STUDENTS are NOT considered as Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as NON-HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.

Industry sessions

Satellite Symposia and Industry Hub Sessions presenting data on the development, research, or other issues related to prescription medicine is restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants as indicated by the Industry Session Organizer. All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs. Industry Session organisers can limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to achieving the session’s intended purpose. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, particularly if they are not adequately related to the session’s objective and purpose.

The industry session organiser is responsible for compliance with the session.