Call for abstract submissions
Contribute to shaping the future of dermatology and venereology during the 2025 EADV Congress in Paris.
Abstract submissions
Multiple abstracts are accepted and may be chosen for an oral free communication presentation or an ePoster, contributing to the extensive scientific programme of EADV 2025 Congress.
Abstract submission deadlines
- Submissions opening 4 Mar 2025
- Submissions closing 17 Apr 2025
- Evaluation notification 8 Jul 2025

Preparation of your abstract
Abstracts must be submitted in English. A “blind” selection process will be used.
- No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. Their names and affiliations (institutions) will be registered separately when submitting the abstract online.
- The title should not be written entirely in capital letters.
- The size of the abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (without considering spaces). Please be informed that the title is free of character number limitation.
- The submission program will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements.
- Tables and figures (graphs), if included in the abstract as .jpg images, are allowed and they are not taken into consideration for the character count. On the other hand, pictures of patients and body parts are NOT allowed for inclusion in the abstract body. Abstract containing these kinds of pictures will be rejected.
- In order to correctly submit your abstract without issues you must use the word template downloadable on the submission platform.
- Check spelling and grammar carefully. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.
- Use generic names. The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks is strictly prohibited. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
- No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract.
The authors should specify if they prefer their submission to be considered for:
- ePoster presentation only
- Oral presentation only
If you submit your abstract as “Oral presentation” and it does not get selected for one of the Free Communication sessions, you will still have the possibility to submit an ePoster (if the abstract is considered above the threshold of acceptance by the reviewers).
Authors and presenters’ requirements
- Any person listed in the author’s list of an abstract can act as a presenter.
- In case your abstract might be selected for an e-poster, no on-site presence to the Congress is required to authors.
- Authors or presenters coming from the industry and free from any academic or institutional affiliation cannot be accepted for abstract submission or presentation.
Evaluation and scoring
The evaluation and scoring of the abstract (acceptance as ePoster or as oral communication, or rejection) will be made according to several criteria, among which:
- Is the content interesting, informative, novel or important?
- Are the methods valid, the results relevant and the conclusions justified by the data?
- Is the data presented with clarity and with appropriate structure?
- Is the text written according to proper English grammar and syntactic style?
Copyright and publication of abstracts
Submission of an abstract implies that it has been approved by all listed authors.
The Scientific Programming Committee reserves the right to make the final decision concerning the form of presentation allowed for selected abstracts.
As part of the submission, the author grants EADV the exclusive right to first publish the abstract, and thereafter a non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store the abstract worldwide in all forms (including on the EADV website), formats and media now known or as developed in the future, including print, electronic and digital forms.
For the avoidance of doubt, “electronic and digital forms” shall include but shall not be limited to databases, USB and forms accessible via electronic and digital networks, wireless transmission and communication systems. The author also grants EADV the exclusive right to retain income resulting from the above-mentioned publications by EADV. No fee shall be paid to the author by EADV for the license granted herein. The author will retain copyright of his or her abstract, including the pertaining moral rights. However, the author shall only reuse,
reproduce or post the abstract with acknowledgment to the initial and first publication or presentation at an EADV event, and therefore reference the name of the EADV event and the date.
The License of Copyright Use between EADV and the author is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. Accepted abstracts will be published here.
Media & Embargo Policy
Please see the below extract from the 2025 Congress Media & Embargo Policy: Every abstract author and meeting attendee, whether from the media, companies, institutions, organisations, universities, investment advisors, or any other category, must adhere to the embargo policy.
Embargoed materials include – but are not limited to – original journal articles, abstracts submitted to the EADV Events, abstracts from scientific meetings, written news releases, audio news releases, video news releases, interviews, slides, and any other materials associated with the scientific information being presented or published.
Embargoed materials, as well as results and information related to sessions at any meeting or event organised by EADV, are strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed in any manner or for any purpose before the lifting of the embargo by EADV.
Breaking an EADV embargo by any author, media outlet, press representative, member of staff or any third party acting on behalf of and/or under the authority of any media outlet or press representative is a contractual breach. The person/entity who released the information (i.e. the press representative who wrote the story/conducted the interview, etc.) will be held accountable and subjected to the penalties.
Prior publication
If the abstract is also submitted as a manuscript for publication, authors are responsible for coordinating a publication date that abides by the embargo policy. If publication occurs online or in print before the specific embargo date and time set by the EADV, the abstract must be withdrawn or presented as an encore. Please notify the EADV via email at [email protected].
Encore abstracts
Please consider that it is possible to submit abstracts already published or presented in previous events. To do so, the submission procedure is the same of newly released abstracts, with the exception that, in case of abstract selection, indication must be included that the abstract is an encore inside the relevant e-poster or oral presentation.
Embargo date and time
All abstracts:
The embargo is lifted at 07:00 CEST on 17 September 2025. Abstracts will be published on the EADV Event platform and accessible to registered participants.
Industry abstracts:
The embargo is lifted at 07:00 CEST on 17 September 2025. Abstracts will be published on the EADV Event platform and accessible to registered participants.
Please be informed that the above embargo dates and times are not applicable to abstracts previously published/ presented before their submission date: if selected, they must be declared as encore in the relevant e-poster or presentation.
ePosters requirements
In case of your abstract acceptance for an e-Poster, you will be asked to prepare it according to the following rules:
- Only material in PDF format can be accepted.
- All e-Posters should have one page only, in portrait (vertical).
- To assure the best quality of your e-Poster, we recommend that the .pdf file has the size of an A0 sheet (841 × 1189 mm, or 33.1 x 46.8 inches).
- In case you are using Photoshop to create your ePoster, you can also see its resolution, which should be a minimum of 200dpi.
- Animated images and animations are not permitted for e-Posters and will be non-functioning.
- EADV does not offer a graphic template for e-Posters, nor prescribes specific requirements for font size.
- The e-Poster P-code identifier, to be included on the top left side of your e-Poster, will be communicated by EADV via email, together with the e-Poster upload instructions, after having completed abstracts reviews and categorization.
ePosters FAQ
Are QR codes permitted on ePosters?
Yes, QR codes are permitted on ePosters.
Will a DOI number be generated for an e-Poster?
No, EADV will not generate any DOI number for ePosters. In case you would like to have it, you will need to generate it on your own.
General FAQs
Is there a cost for submission?
No, there are no costs for standard abstract submission. Only for late-breaking abstracts session, a fee of 100 eur per submission is required. Please refer to this page for additional information on this topic.
Is it allowed to submit multiple abstracts?
Yes. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that one can submit.
Does the submitter need to be registered to the event?
The submitter does not need to be registered to the event
Does the submitter need to be physically present at the event?
The submitter does not necessarily need to be physically present at the event. Only in case an abstract is selected for oral presentation, presenters must participate on-site to the event to allow the live presentation of the abstract.
Does the submitter have to be an author?
The submitter does not have to be an author of the abstract being submitted.
Does the presenting author have to be the first author?
It is not necessary for the presenting author to be the first author. Anyone from the authors list can present the abstract.
Who will receive the abstract acceptance notification? (submitter vs presenter)
The submitter, and email address used by the submitter, will receive the notification.
Can the presenting author act as a presenter for multiple abstracts?
Yes, the presenting author act as a presenter for multiple abstracts
Is there a limit to the number of authors for one abstract?
There is no limit to the number of authors on an abstract.
Is there a title word/character limit?
There are no word or character limits for the abstract title.
Can submitted abstracts be modified?
No, once fully submitted via the e-platform, abstracts cannot be modified. In order to correct mistakes, it is possible to issue a new submission, then notify us via email at [email protected] in order to delete the previous submission.
Are encores and/or adaptations permitted?
Yes, encores and/or adaptations are permitted for standard abstracts submission. Only for late-breaking abstracts encores are not allowed. Please refer to this page for additional information on this topic.
Is there an Embargo Policy for abstracts or ePosters?
The content of the abstracts accepted as ePosters will be under embargo until the first day of the EADV event. Content of abstracts accepted as oral presentations will be under embargo until the date and time of the presentation of the abstract.
This does not apply to encores.
Is there a withdrawal date?
Abstracts can be withdrawn until 4 weeks before the event, on Wednesday 20 August 2025.