25-28 SEPTEMBER 2024



Besides the core scientific lectures of the 2024 EADV Congress, the Academy offers a variety of practical workshops in the hot fields of dermatology.

Chaired by experienced specialists and accommodating a small set of participants, a workshop is an ideal approach to immediately implement the skills you are learning, gain hands-on experience, and rapidly acquire knowledge on the subject.

EADV Workshops promote interaction between the instructors and the attendees and allow you to plunge into the beauty of international diversity.

All courses require a pre-registration and a pre-payment. Class sizes are limited to 35 places each and registrants are accepted on a first-paid, first-served basis.

Workshops at a glance

Basics of ultrasound imaging in dermatology

Laser treatment for beginners

Allergology: skin environmental induced contact dermatitis

STI diagnosis and treatment

Dermoscopy – practical and conceptual

Medical photography in dermatology

Chemical peelings

Playing with AI in dermatology

Phlebology for beginners

Dermal fillers

Conquer your audience: perfect your presentation skills

Use of botulinum toxin in cosmetic and Medical dermatology

Surgery - Basic

Get your papers published: tips and tricks from the editors

Surgery - Intermediate

Wound healing

Available Workshops at the 2024 EADV Congress

Wed 25

14:15 - 17:30

Thu 26

8:30 - 11:45

Fri 27

14:15 - 17:30

Sat 28

8:30 - 11:45

Wed 25

8:30 - 11:45

Wed 25

8:30 - 11:45

Wed 25

14:15 - 17:30

Thu 26

8:30 - 11:45

Thu 26

14:15 - 17:30

Thu 26

14:15 - 17:30

Fri 27

8:30 - 11:45

Fri 27

8:30 - 11:45

Fri 27

14:15 - 17:30

Sat 28

8:30 - 11:45

Sat 28

14:15 - 17:30

Sat 28

14:15 - 17:30

How to register to an EADV Congress workshop

Workshops can be purchased through the official Registration Platform by accessing the “Individual and Third Party registration” area. Please note that no Group Registration is possible.

While purchasing your ticket to the 2024 EADV Congress

You will be prompted with a list of available Workshops. Simply select the workshop(s) you would like to attend and finalise your registration by paying the due fee*.

If you already have a valid ticket to the EADV Congress

You can purchase it in 5 easy steps:

  1. Access the Registration Platform with the credentials you used to register (email address + password)
  2. Click on the panel “Individual and Third Party Registration”
  3. Choose the option “Register or book tickets for yourself”
  4. Select the workshop(s) you wish to attend from the list provided
  5. Pay the due fee*.

* Enrolment is not guaranteed until the financial transaction has been completed/the payment is received by the EADV

Terms and conditions

Please note that by purchasing your ticket in advance online, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.


These terms and conditions apply to all delegates registering for one or more of the above workshops during the 2024 EADV Congress in Amsterdam.

Who can attend?

Workshops are available for EADV Members, EADV Resident Members, Non member (DELEGATES) and Trainees (under 35 years).  There may be different levels of learning, so please read carefully the description and target audience, before submitting your registration. Kindly note that to be able to attend a workshop you should also have a valid admission (i.e. a ticket for the full Congress or a daily ticket for the day of the selected workshop). Participation is limited and on first-come, first-served basis.

Workshop fee / Methods of payment

Each workshop has an additional fee of 50 EUR for EADV Members and 150 EUR for non-Members. Please note that workshops require a pre-paid booking via credit card (strongly suggested) or bank transfer.

The registration to a workshop is a supplement to the Congress admission which must also be purchased (workshops cannot be booked or purchased without an admission to the Congress).

Cancellation Policy

The EADV reserves the right to cancel a course if there is an insufficient number of registrants. In the unlikely event of cancellation, registrants will be notified immediately and all workshop fees will be promptly refunded.

If you have any further questions about the Scientific Workshops, please contact us at [email protected]

EADV Workshop

Allergology: Skin environmental induced contact dermatitis

Wed 25

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

  • Use of the provocation tests to distinguish the types of inducible urticarias and know differential diagnosis with other dermatological conditions
  • Perform the cutaneous provocation test according to the protocols, which are necessary for the identification of inducible urticaria and that allow the assessment of its severity by looking for useful thresholds in e.g., cold, solar, cholinergic and other forms of inducible urticaria
  • Assessment of disease control of the chronic inducible urticaria during the treatment by using an specific validated questionnaire
  • To decide when to prescribe and test patients, to distinguish the types of immediate contact skin reaction and differential diagnosis with other dermatological conditions
  • Decide and perform the provocation test, which is necessary to do the etiology diagnosis of immediate contact skin reaction such as contact urticaria or protein contact dermatitis, such as prick testing and others
  • Identify types of delayed contact dermatitis, eczematous or not, and differential diagnosis
  • Be familiar with indications and contraindications for patch testing
  • Know how to perform patch test, semi-open/open-test and ROAT and evaluate the relevance of a positive reaction
  • Consider preventive measures of a positive patch test

Level of proficiency

Dermatologists and fellows in dermatology that want to learn or update practical aspects with available diagnostic tests or test devices in different dermatological allergic diseases.

Course overview

The workshop will focus on theoretical and practical aspects to correctly diagnose etiologically immunologic cutaneous disorders. These conditions include dermatitis / eczema (contact or atopic) and urticaria (acute or chronic) trigger by environmental stimuli and agents. Its clinical identification would need some specialized complementary tests in order to typify the responsible agent, assess severity, implement correct treatment and also preventive measures. For this is essential a training. How to identify and demonstrate type I and type IV hypersensitivity in cutaneous Immunol allergic diseases and how to make a correct differential diagnosis of inducible chronic urticarias is the main goal of this workshop.



14:15 - 14:30

Room D202

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

Introduction, learning objectives

15 min

Chronic inducible urticaria

30 min

  • Definition, classification and diagnostic tools
  • Practical presentation of dhronic inducible urticaria, provocation tests
  • Case report example

Immediate contact skin reaction

30 min

  • Definition, classification and diagnostic tools
  • Practical presentation of contact urticaria, oral allergy syndrome and protein contact dermatitis, provocation tests
  • Case report example

Contact Dermatitis

30 min

  • Definition, classification and diagnostic tools
  • Practical presentation of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis, provocation tests
  • Case report example


15 min

Practical sessions, divided in 3 groups

60 min

  • CIndU – Type I – Type IV
  • CIndU provocation tests, prick test, scratch test, intracutaneous test, patch testing
  • Special interest in special populations as atopic dermatitis patients, children or immunosuppressed among others.

Q&A and conclusions

15 min

EADV Workshop

Medical photography in dermatology

Thu 26

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Understanding the basics of medical photography
  • Getting to know some tricks and tips for special areas (hair/head)
  • Learning important aspects of related to dermoscopy
  • Learning some relevant aspects relating legal issues, organization of images , labelling, editing, and preparing images for publications
  • To get the opportunity to use different types of equipment

Level of proficiency

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome. It is a workshop open to all

Course overview

Medical photography is a non-invasive imaging technique that is used for recording ailments, make diagnosis, monitoring, get second opinions, indicate surgical site, among many uses. The following workshop is aimed at familiarizing participants in medical photography: what makes it similar to other uses of photography, what makes it different.


15 min per session

+ 5 min Q&A

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

Welcome and Introduction to the workshop

5 min

Basic concepts in medical photography

Standarization in medical imaging

Tricks and tips for special areas

Dermoscopy , photography , …and AI

Organization of images, labelling, editing, and preparing images for publications

Legal issues, social media

Practical part: let's take a picture!

EADV Workshop

Conquer your audience: perfect your presentation skills

Fri 27

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

In this session we will help to improve the presentation skills of the participants.

Level of proficiency

The session is open to all

Course overview

Enhance your presentation skills with our interactive workshop. Participants will deliver a presentation of up to 7 minutes, which will be evaluated by a panel of four experts. Each presentation will be scored on scientific content, graphical quality, message delivery, and overall impression, providing valuable feedback to help you master the art of public speaking.


10/15 min

per presentation

Room D202

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

Intro with general info

5-10 min

Comments on scientific aspect

Clinical photography

Slide layout / graphical content

Presentation skills / interaction with the audience

Conclusion at the end of the session

20 min

EADV Workshop

Get your papers published: tips and tricks from the editors

Sat 28

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Learning the essential elements of a successful dermatology paper, including writing style, structure, and formatting specific to dermatological research
  • Understanding how to select the most suitable dermatology journals for your research
  • Learning how to respond effectively to peer review feedback and improve the quality of your paper
  • Understanding ethical challenges, including issues related to patient consent, the importance of data transparency, and managing conflicts of interest
  • Discovering strategies to increase the visibility of your research within the dermatology community

Level of proficiency

Everybody, from residents to established dermatologists, is welcome.

Course overview

This workshop is designed to clarify the process of academic publishing in dermatology. Gain insider knowledge and practical advice from experiences editors to boost your chances of getting published. It is intended to be a highly interactive session, so participants are encouraged to bring their own research projects or article drafts.



08:30 - 08:45

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

11.30 - 11.45

Introduction: the evolving world of scientific publishing

15 min

How to find your place in asking the right questions

20 min

Writing your paper from scratch: how to start? Introduction/material and methods/discussion

20 min

Abstract and figures: the business card of your paper. Tools to improve the quality of your paper and enhance its reach

40 min


15 min

How to select the most suitable journal? Why recommending reviewers?
What is your reviewer thinking? How to answer to the reviewers/editors’ comments?

40 min

The most common mistakes

45 min

EADV Workshop

Laser treatment for beginners

Wed 25

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Summarising the basics of laser and IPL therapy
  • Acquiring an overview of commonly used laser devices
  • Acquiring an overview of common indications and outcomes of laser therapy
  • Identifying optimal endpoints and avoid complications

Level of proficiency

The workshop is directed to beginners in the field, residents in dermatology and slightly experienced laser practitioners.
Basic knowledge about laser physics and general aspects of laser skin interaction is preferred, but not required.

Course overview

The main goal of the workshop is to gain essential knowledge about laser dermatology in order to improve outcomes in laser therapy. It will focus on vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, laser endpoints, how to avoid complications, laser assisted drug delivery and ablative and fractional lasers. Each of these topics will be systematically approached by an expert through 1) a short introduction, 2) an overview of available devices, 3) a review of indications, 4) an interactive panel discussion with tips, tricks and pitfalls. Questions from the audience are welcome throughout the whole workshop.



8:30 - 8:45

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

The essentials: laser – light- laser/tissue interaction

25 min

Clinical endpoints: how to improve outcomes and avoid complications

20 min

Vascular lesions

20 min

Pigment and tattoo treatment

20 min

Q&A and interactive case-based learning

20 min


15 min

Ablative & fractional laser therapy

20 min

Laser assisted hair reduction

20 min

Q&A and Interactive case-based learning

25 min

EADV Workshop

Basics of ultrasound imaging in dermatology

Wed 25

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Practical basic ultrasound equipment knobology training
  • Learning by doing scanning protocols of skin, hair and nails
  • Performing systematic exploration of axilla and groin in patients with melanoma

Level of proficiency

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome.

Course overview

This workshop is designed for dermatologists seeking to incorporate dermatological ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in their practice. Whether you’re new to ultrasound or looking to enhance your skills, join this workshop to explore the diverse applications and techniques of ultrasound in dermatology.



8:30 - 8:40

Room D202

Elicium Building, Level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45


10 min

Basic Physical Principles Knobology and settings to turn any ultrasound equipment into a dermatological ultrasound scanning device

20 min

Practical hands on us scanning of skin, hair and nails:
  • Normal skin, hair and nail
  • Facial skin sono anatomy (upper third)
  • Facial skin sono anatomy (middle and lower third)
  • Axillar and inguinal fold sono anatomy
(6 stations)

60 min


15 min

Clinical Cases Discussion (All Faculty)

60 min


5 min

EADV Workshop

STI diagnosis and treatment

Wed 25

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

Learning objectives of the workshop are:

  • STI-consultations in different cultures and countries (participant driven content)
  • Genital ulcers/diagnostic approach
  • Understanding mechanisms of anti-microbial resistance
  • How to recognise possible complications of syphilis
  • Increase awareness of HIV-indicator diseases in general dermatology practice

Level of proficiency

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome.

Course overview

In this interactive workshop, our aim is to let both residents and dermatologists walk away with fresh knowledge and inspiration with regard to the approach of STI. The workshop will consist of presentations with up-to-date knowledge on STI diagnosis and treatment options. Topics include syphilis, other ulcerative STI, and HIV-indicator diseases.

Management of infectious diseases more and more calls for knowledge on mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and how to detect AMR in pathogens. Background information on mechanisms of AMR and (molecular) techniques for detection of AMR for practical use will be discussed.

Participants are encouraged to share local guidelines and experience, and individual cases for discussion.



14:15 - 14:20

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

STI and antimicrobial resistance

10 min

STI difficult cases

10 min

HIV-indicator diseases

10 min

Break (the 3 teams are created)

10 min

Station 1 = STI and antimicrobial resistance

40 min

Station 2 = STI difficult cases

40 min

Station 3 = HIV-indicator diseases

40 min

Break (the 3 teams are created)

10 min


15 min


5 min

EADV Workshop

Dermoscopy – practical and conceptual

Thur 26

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Learning the pitfalls and avoiding errors in the diagnosis of skin tumors,
  • learning how to diagnose and manage skin tumors in different age groups,
  • learning how to use dermatoscopy for inflammatory lesions in light and dark skin,
  • learning how to use dermatoscopy to diagnose hair and nail disorders.

Level of proficiency

This course is designed for both residents and interested specialists

Course overview

Dermatoscopy is commonly used to improve the diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease. This interactive workshop will discuss practical problems of dermatoscopy, including applications beyond its traditional use in pigmented neoplastic lesions.



08:30 - 08:40

Room D202

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

Bias, noise and error with interactive examples

30 min


10 min

Diagnosing and managing skin tumors in different age groups and different body areas with interactive examples

30 min


10 min

Inflammoscopy in light and dark skin with interactive examples

30 min


10 min

Dermatoscopy for diseases of the hair and scalp with interactive examples

30 min


10 min

Challenge the instructors! My best interactive cases

35 min

EADV Workshop

Playing with AI in dermatology

Thu 26

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

  • Understanding the potential and limitations of AI in dermatology
  • Understanding the technical background of machine learning
  • Leveraging the potential of human-AI collaboration in dermatology
  • Useing AI successfully in practice

Level of proficiency

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome

Course overview

This workshop offers an exploration into the innovative intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Dermatology. You will explore the potential of AI in various aspects, from diagnostics to treatment strategies. Gain insights into the latest advancements, methodologies, and practical applications in field. Participants will discover how AI technologies can increase clinical decision-making, optimise workflow efficiencies, and enhance patient care. Additionally, discussions will cover the advantages and disadvantages of integrating AI into dermatological practices.



14:15 - 14:30

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17.15 - 17:30

Machine learning: The theoretical minimum

30 min

AI's role in image-based diagnosis in dermatology

30 min

Bridging technology and usability: The future of hardware-integrated applications

30 min


15 min

Mastering foundation models: The science and creativity of effective prompting with examples

30 min

Exploring skin cancer detection and total body photography: Practical interactive examples

30 min

Human-AI collaboration: How we can become better clinicians with AI with examples

30 min

EADV Workshop

Chemical peelings

Thu 26

14:15 - 17:30



Learning objects

  • Analysing the mechanism of action and physiological effects on varying skin layers
  • Evaluating and managing risks associated with specific dermatological conditions
  • Understanding nuances in peel depth and application for optimal results and safety
  • Implementing best practice
  • Customising treatment plans based on individual patient needs and treatment goals

Level of proficiency

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome.

Course overview

Designed for dermatologists seeking to elevate their proficiency in techniques, the Chemical Peeling workshop will cover peel types, patient selection, application methods, safety measures, and treatment strategies. This workshop offers a unique opportunity for skill enhancement in the field.



14:15 - 14:30

Room D202

Elicium Building, Level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

The fundamental of chemical peels, medical & aesthetic indications, pre/post peel care, precautions and complications

120 min

The theoretical part will be covered by the chairs. 
During the practical / video part we will present videos of dermatologists during their journey with chemical peeling.
Young residents that were well trained to perform chemical peels, specialists that were also trained during EADV fostering courses and videos from the chairs performing certain procedures by the book. 
The whole range of chemical peeling procedures will be mostly covered.


15 min

Video presentation: Superficial peels

Video presentation: Medium peels

Video presentation: Segmental Peels

Video presentation: Deep Peel

EADV Workshop

Phlebology for beginners

Fri 27

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop the participants:

  • will have refreshed the anatomy and physiology of the vascular system of the lower limbs
  • will be able to make the positive and differential diagnosis of vascular diseases of the lower limbs
  • will know how to perform several therapeutic procedures used in phlebology (e.g., sclerotherapy)

Level of proficiency

This course is designed for beginners in phlebology examination and treatment (i.e. sclerotherapy), as well as for anyone who likes to refresh their knowledge in this field

Course overview

The participants will be introduced to the main principles of phlebology. To start, the following topics will be explained and discussed:

  • The anatomy and physiology of the lower limbs
  • The diagnostics and investigations used by phlebologists
  • The therapy of varicose veins according to the newest guidelines, including sclerotherapy

Afterwards, participants will be divided in 4 rotating groups for hand-on learning

In addition, there will be time to discuss questions around indications, techniques, side effects and results of sclerotherapy.



08:30 - 08:45

Room D202

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

Varicose veins, classification and diagnosis

20 min

Sclerotherapy of varicose veins

20 min

Sclerosing agents

20 min


15 min

Hands-on alternating in 4 groups

Production of foam

30 min

Sclerotherapy of subcutaneous varicose veins

30 min

Sclerotherapy of spider veins

30 min

Post-Injection management

30 min

EADV Workshop

Dermal fillers

Fri 27

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

  • Understanding of facial anatomy relevant to dermal filler procedures
  • Learning about different types of dermal fillers and their appropriate uses
  • Learning injection techniques for various facial regions
  • Communication skills and legal issues with patients
  • Understanding potential complications associated with dermal filler injections and how to deal with them

Level of proficiency

This course is designed for both residents in last years of residency and specialists interested to improve their skills.

Course overview

The Dermal Fillers workshop is designed for dermatologists willing to improve their skills in dermal filler procedures.
This workshop will cover the principles of facial anatomy, injection techniques, product selection, safety considerations, advanced applications of dermal fillers and will especially focus on potential side effects and how to deal with them. Videos of injecting procedures will be displayed.



08:30 - 08:35

Room D203

Elicium Building, Level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

Aging of the face and wrinkles classification

20 min

Functional anatomy for cosmetic procedures

20 min


15 min

Fillers: what to inject? State of the art

20 min

Skinboosters & collagen stimulators

20 min

Techniques to optimize results of injection

20 min


15 min

Side effects of fillers

20 min

Management of side effects of fillers

20 min


15 min

EADV Workshop

Use of botulinum toxin in cosmetic and medical dermatology

Fri 27

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop the participants will be able to understand

  1. The actions of botulinum toxin on muscular and other structures
  2. Medical and aesthetic indications and injection points
  3. Hands-on (sham – drawing the injection points) training in working with toxins

Level of proficiency

Anyone who is new to the use of botulinum toxin but wants to learn the basics of its use.

Both residents and established dermatologists are welcome.

Course overview

The workshop will focus on the practice of use of botulinum toxin in a dermatologist office.
This workshop gives theory behind the use of botulinum toxin for aesthetic and medical dermatological indications. The hands-on part to study the practical use of toxins and to learn where to place the injections points for successful treatment outcomes.



14:15 - 14:25

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

Introduction to the workshop

10 min

Botulinum Toxin: what kind of substance is it? Contraindications

30 min

Medical use of Botulinum Toxin

20 min

Video presentation of use of the toxin

10 min

Cosmetic use of botulinum toxin

30 min

Video of cosmetic use of botulinum toxin

10 min


15 min

Rotating stations

60 min

Round up

10 min

EADV Workshop

Surgery – Basic

Sat 28

8:30 - 11:45




Learning objectives

After the workshop the participants will be:

  • familiar with the theoretical background of surgical procedures in dermatology
  • able to review instruments and suture techniques
  • skilled in most important suture techniques

Level of proficiency

Beginners, no/little knowledge of dermatological surgery

Course overview

In the first part of the workshop, we will learn about preparation for surgical procedures, facial anatomy, anesthesia, instruments and suturing. The second part will focus on exercising punch biopsy, ellipse excision and different suture techniques. At the end, basic principles of flaps and grafts will be reviewed shortly. 
All aspects will be discussed and illustrated with pictures, followed by hands-on training in groups. During the training, live video will be used to visualize anesthetic procedures, use of instruments and suturing.

A quiz will be held at the end of workshop. 



08:30 - 08:35

Room D202

Elicium Building, Level 2

End of workshop

11:30 - 11:45

Presentation: Review of facial anatomy, local anesthesia and suturing

45 min

Hands-on training suture techniques and ellipse excision

90 min


10 min

Presentation: Introduction of flaps and grafts

25 min

Hands-on training flaps / video

20 min

Quiz / Closing remarks

10 min

EADV Workshop

Surgery - Intermediate

Sat 28

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

After the workshop the participants will be:

  • familiar with details and pitfalls of surgical procedures in dermatology
  • skilled in special suture techniques
  • able to plan and apply flaps

Level of proficiency

Intermediates, medium knowledge of dermatological surgery, applies simple surgery on regular basis

Course overview

In the first part of the workshop, we will interactively discuss details and pitfalls in preparation of surgical procedures, facial anatomy, anaesthesia, instruments and suturing. This will be followed by hands-on training of some special aspects of suturing and biopsy. The second part will focus on the principles of flaps and grafts. The different techniques will be discussed and illustrated with lots of pictures, followed by hands-on training in groups.

During the training, live video will be used to visualize the procedures. 

A quiz will be held at the end of workshop.



14:15 - 14:20

Room D202

Elicium Building, Level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

Details and pitfalls of surgical procedures in dermatology

25 min

Hands-on training special aspects of suturing and biopsing

45 min


10 min

Principles of flaps and grafts in dermatologic surgery

40 min

Hands-on training flaps / video

60 min

Quiz / Closing remarks

10 min

EADV Workshop

Wound healing

Sat 28

14:15 - 17:30




Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop the participants:

  • Will be able to perform an accurate wound assessment
  • Will know how to measure ankle-brachial index
  • Will be able to make relevant differential diagnosis
  • Will understand compression therapy, will know different local strategies to promote wound healing, from wound dressings to skin grafting

Level of proficiency

This course is designed for both residents and interested specialists

Course overview

After an introduction that will explain the main principles of diagnosis and treatment of leg ulcers, participants will be divided in groups that will rotate in different stations.

Wound assessment will be explained following a holistic framework, considering not only the wound, but also perilesional skin and patient comorbidities.

Different diagnostic tools to establish the vascular status of the patient will be discussed. Ankle-brachial index measurement will be performed by the participants themselves.

Practical tips to get to a systematic and efficient differential diagnosis pathway will be suggested. The variety of possible aetiologies of leg ulcers will be explained through rich iconography.

A theoretical and practical approach to compression therapy will be based not only on its benefits for venous ulcers but also on its usefulness in any leg ulcer when no contraindications exist.

The range of wound dressings that are commercially available will be explained, focusing on their components and indications. The concepts of wound infection continuum and antimicrobial stewardship will be explained. The technique of punch grafting as autologous skin grafting will be explained as interesting and efficient option to promote epithelialisation.



14:15 - 14:25

Room D203

Elicium building, level 2

End of workshop

17:15 - 17:30

Station 1: Wound assessment, vascular status measurement

40 min

  • Holistic wound assessment
  • Palpation of pulses, Ankle-brachial index, Toe pressure measurement

Station 2: Differential diagnosis

40 min

  • Quiz with clinical cases
  • Clinical clues for differential diagnosis
  • How to take a biopsy

Station 3: Wound dressings and antimicrobial stewardship

40 min

  • Understanding the utility of different wound dressings
  • Wound infection continuum: stage and management

Station 4: Skin grafting

40 min

  • Technique of punch grafting
  • Follow-up of grafted ulcers
  • Basic principles of compression therapy: band/ bandage, stretch/stiffness, padding
  • Bandages/ stockings/ velcro devices

End of workshop

  • Recommendation of guidelines, position documents and scientific societies for further knowledge
  • Course feedback


Important note to Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Professionals

Access to the different areas and sessions of the Congress depends on the status. Please read the description below to ensure you/your delegates comply with the regulations in place.
EADV Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please attribute the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during registration.


A multidisciplinary audience will attend the EADV Congress, and the EADV will assign different classes to healthcare professionals (HCP) and non-Healthcare Professionals (non-HCP) to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Chapter 3 of the Dutch CGR code defines HCPs as follows:
3.1 In the purpose of this Code of Conduct, the following terms shall bear the following meaning:
healthcare professionals: persons qualified to prescribe or supply prescription-only medicinal products.

Further explanation is provided in The General information about organising scientific meetings and Frequently Asked Questions from the CGR (Dutch Foundation for the Code for Pharmaceutical Advertising (to be referred to as the general information document from here on out) (20170214 CGR informatie congresorganisaties), where it states (at section 2 a, page 2) that: In the Netherlands the group of healthcare professionals comprises: physicians, physicians who are being trained to become a specialist (‘artsen in opleiding’), pharmacists, pharmacist’s assistants, obstetricians, dentists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and specialised nurses.

Dutch Nurses, in Particular

It further clarifies that:
… “Specialised nurses (limited to the lung, diabetes and oncology areas) only have independent prescription authority if they have completed a specific training programme for this purpose. The completion of this training is entered in the BIG register and so can be checked by anyone. This means that all of the other healthcare providers, such as regular nurses, dieticians, dental hygienists or supportive GP practitioners (‘praktijkondersteuners’), are not healthcare professionals and so – just like patients – belong to the ‘general public’. This group will be referred to below as ‘non-healthcare professionals’.

In terms of specialised nurses, the explanatory notes to the CGR code (20200701 Explanatory Notes CGR per 20200701) provide a specific list to be taken into consideration:

3.1.d Definition of “healthcare professional”
…. pharmacist’s assistants and nurses with the additional BIG registrations:

Specialised nurses (gespecialiseerd verpleegkundigen):

  • Diabetes nurses
  • Pulmonary care nurses
  • Oncology nurses

Specialised nurses may only be considered as healthcare professionals if their BIG registration states that they have prescription authority. ….
Nurse specialists (NS) (verpleegkundig specialisten):

  • NS providing general healthcare
  • NS providing mental healthcare


Lastly, the explanatory notes state (at page 3) that:
Physicians in training to become a specialist (artsen in opleiding) are also considered as healthcare professionals within the meaning of the Code of Conduct. Medical students are not considered healthcare professional (see Newsletter 2006/4).

Other Categories

The general information document (sections 2d and e, page 3) goes on to clarify that industry employees and specialised journalists can be exposed to promotional content. Yet patients, patient representatives, and regular press or specialised journalists who target the general public will still be considered non-HCPs and should not be exposed to promotional content.
STUDENTS are NOT considered as Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as NON-HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.

Industry sessions

Satellite Symposia and Industry Hub Sessions presenting data on the development, research, or other issues related to prescription medicine is restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants as indicated by the Industry Session Organizer. All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs. Industry Session organisers can limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to achieving the session’s intended purpose. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, particularly if they are not adequately related to the session’s objective and purpose.

The industry session organiser is responsible for compliance with the session.