22-24 MAY 2025

How to participate

Applications are now open for the top companies and are treated based on the EADV Partnership Programme ranking.

To maintain the priority, please apply within Friday 13 December 2024

Sales opening

The industry applications for the EADV Symposium 2025 are open. 

Applications must be submitted via the Industry Online Portal, requests and/or orders submitted by email will not be accepted. All the orders and items in the portal are subject to confirmation by the EADV Industry Services Department.

All applications will be treated on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

Register now and start your applications!

Access the Industry Online Portal of the EADV Symposium 2025 to register your company, gain access to all relevant information and start your applications.

Participation type


Booth in the exhibition area


Thursday, 22 May 2025:
Two lunch Satellite Symposia

Friday, 23 May 2025:
Two lunch Satellite Symposia

Additional services for Industry Sessions to enhance session interaction and retrieve leads


  • e-Blasts before, during and after the event
  • EADV Final Programme


Permanent meeting rooms


Individually sponsored projects to be discussed with the EADV

Based on EADV’s industry partnership programme, all investments into the Symposium accrue to the partnership status (further information about the partnership programme on a separate document upon request to [email protected].

The EADV is open to discussing the opportunities and finding a suitable collaboration solution for any tailored projects or suggestions.

Healthcare Professional definition

  1. Important note to Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Professionals
    Access to the different areas and sessions of the Symposium depends on the Healthcare Professional status.

    As a multidisciplinary audience will attend the EADV Symposium, the EADV will assign different classes to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professionals (non-HCPs) to ensure compliance with the AIFP (Asociace inovativního farmaceutického průmyslu v České republice) Code of Practice.
    Please read the description below to ensure that you (or your delegates) comply with the regulations in place.

EADV members are not automatically considered Healthcare Professionals

Please select the correct status (HCP or non-HCP) during registration.

  1. Definition
    The AIFP code defines Healthcare Professionals as follows:
    “any natural person that is a member of the medical, dental, pharmacy, or nursing professions or any other person who, in the course of his or her professional activities, may prescribe, purchase, supply, recommend or administer a Medicinal Product and whose primary practice, principal professional address or place of incorporation is in Europe.
    For the purpose of AIFP Code, the definition of HCPs includes: any official or state employee, agency or other organization (whether in the public or private sector) that may prescribe, purchase, supply, recommend or administer Medicinal Products and any employee of a Member Company whose primary occupation is that of a practicing HCP, but excludes all other employees of a Member Company and a wholesaler or distributor of Medicinal Products.”

    Medical students
    are not considered Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as Non-Healthcare Professionals.
  1. Industry sessions
    Satellite Symposia presenting data on the development, research, or other issues related to prescription medicine is restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants as indicated by the Industry Session Organizer.
    All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs.

    Industry Session organisers can limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to achieving the session’s intended purpose. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, particularly if they are not adequately related to the session’s objective and purpose.

    The industry session organiser is responsible for compliance with the session.