22-24 MAY 2025

Continuing Medical Education
Continuing Professional Development (CME-CPD)

An application has been made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.

The EADV Symposium 2024, Malta 16/05/2024 - 18/05/2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 14,5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s)

How to gain your CME-CPD credits

Each medical specialist can claim only those hours of credit actually spent in the educational activity (as recorded by the scanning process).

Here below please find the breakdown of credits per day:

Thursday, 16 May 20244 credits
Friday, 17 May 20246 credits
Saturday, 18 May 20244.5 credits

The accreditation system is based on 1 ECMEC per hour.

No credits will be guaranteed by the EADV to delegates participating in sessions organised by industry.

* On-demand sessions are accredited. The system will detect the on-line viewing time of session

Procedure to gain your credits

Scan your badge, complete the evaluation forms and download the CME-CPD Certificate.

The EADV offers individual CME-CPD participation through the scanning of the badge (or access the session online on-demand*) and the speaker/session evaluation that will be available until Saturday, 31 August 2024.

  1. Scan your badge as you pass through the entrance of each session hall, your data will be then transmitted to the system (or access the session online on-demand).
  2. Complete the anonymous online evaluation for each attended session. Access the evaluation system in the “My Symposium” area on the online Symposium platform.
  3. Download your CME-CPD certificate and retain it for your personal records.

Evaluation data is essential to our statistics and is of considerable help in the choice of future topics and speakers. Your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.

Conversion of Credits

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Information regarding the conversion of EACCME® credits 

Credit will be converted based on one (1) hour of participation equalling one credit for all activities. Physicians wishing to convert EACCME® credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ will be required to access the AMA website at to obtain the necessary paperwork and instructions. Physicians and other health care professionals will be required to pay a processing fee to the AMA

For other countries, please contact the relevant national/regional accreditation authority.

2024 EADV Symposium certificates

All registered participants will be able to download their certificates online based on their level of engagement:

  • A Certificate of Attendance is available for all registered participants who have a valid registration badge and attended at least 1 session.
    A CME-CPD Certificate is available for all participants who actively attended scientific sessions, have their badge scanned and completed the online evaluation forms.
  • An e-Poster Certificate is available for all leading e-Poster authors
  • An Oral presentation Certificate is available for all presenters of an abstract accepted for an oral presentation.
  • A Speaker presentation Certificate is available for all presenters who have delivered a lecture in a scientific session

If you have any further questions about CME Accreditation or Certificates, please contact us at [email protected]



Carefully read the description below to ensure you/your delegates comply with the country’s regulations.

EADV Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default

Please, define the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during the registration process.


According to the European Union Directive 2001/83 /EC (and amended version 2010/84/EU), the promotion of prescription only medicines should be directed solely at Healthcare Professionals or any person who is authorised to prescribe or handle them.

As a multidisciplinary audience will be attending the EADV Symposium, the delegates must  indicate if they are Healthcare Professionals (HCP) or Non-Healthcare Professionals (Non-HCP) to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Access to the different areas and sessions of the Symposium depends on the status as Healthcare Professional or as Non-Healthcare Professional. 

The Pharmaceutical Research Based Industry Malta Association (2014) defines HCP as:

Any member of the medical, dental, pharmacy or nursing professions or any other person who in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, purchase, supply or administer a medicinal product. “

Industry sessions and advertising

Sections of the code also relevant to a congress held in Malta:

Any such promotional material (excluding promotional aids) is accompanied by a suitable statement indicating countries in which the product is registered and makes clear that the product or use is not registered locally, and any such promotional material which refers to the prescribing information (indications, warnings etc.) authorized in a country or countries where the medicinal product is registered should be accompanied by an explanatory statement indicating that registration conditions differ internationally.

Satellite Symposia presenting data on the development, research or other issues related to prescription medicine can be restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants only upon indication provided by the Industry Session Organizer. All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs only.

Industry Session organisers could limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to the achievement of the intended purpose of the Industry session. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, in particular if not adequately related to the objective and purpose of the session.

The industry session organizer is responsible for the compliance of the session.

Other categories

STUDENTS are NOT considered as Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as NON-HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.

PATIENT ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES must indicate whether they are Healthcare Professionals or not at registration.