EADV Online Education

Discover EADV’s exclusive online education plans, including accredited CME courses, webcasts, and other activitiesdesigned by leading experts in dermatology and venereology.

Strengthen your knowledge on a specific dermatology / venereology topic or get the latest updates on a condition or treatment. Some online courses are incorporated into learning paths, allowing a progressive learning experience on a specific track that can be completed at your preferred pace.

Access all EADV’s learning activities by using your MyEADV membership credentials.

EADV Learning paths

The EADV aims to continuously support medical education and professional development of its members. 

With that in mind, we aligned existing materials and educational activities to provide with the resources to grow your way from a trainee to a future leader in dermatology and venereology. 

The learning paths allow a progressive learning experience on a specific track that can be completed at your own pace.

Available courses


Skin regenerative medicine

Self-paced Course

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Facial Dermatoses

Self-paced Course

Dermato-allergology: UEMS EBDVD Exam Preparation

Self-paced Course

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Skin Cancers: diagnosis and management

Self-paced Course

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Laser and Alternative Light Sources in Modern Dermatology

Self-paced Course

Challenges in Managing Autoimmune Blistering Disorders

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Tropical & Travel Dermatology

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Peelings

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Cosmetics Dermatology

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Self-paced Course

STIs – UEMS EBDVD Exam Preparation

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Autoimmune Blistering Disorders

Self-paced Course

Pearls in Dermatopathology

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Photodynamic Therapy

Self-paced Course

Laser and Light Dermatology

Self-paced Course

Introduction to Paediatric Dermatology

Self-paced Course


Introduction to Dermatopathology

Self-paced Course

Nails Masterclass

Self-paced Course

Cutaneous Lymphomas

Self-paced Course


Pregancy Dermatology

Self-paced Course

Advanced STIs

Self-paced Course

Nail Surgery

Self-paced Course


Hot Topics in Autoimmune Blistering Diseases (Part II)

History of the Nobel Prizes and their connection with Dermatology

Inflammatory Nail Disorders - Focus on Psoriasis and Lichen Planus

Dermatologic toxicities of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors

Visit our Education Archive for the full list of self-paced courses and webcasts

Do you have any questions? 

Click below for commonly asked questions or contact us at [email protected]