If you are submitting this form to apply for a Call for Nominations, please note that it is pre-compiled with the category “Nominee for EADV elected positions” and the position you are applying for.

If you are submitting this form to apply for a Call for Nominations, please note that it is pre-compiled with the category “Nominee for EADV elected positions”.


The EADV is committed to transparency and objective decision making at all organisational levels. The Academy is dedicated to providing continuing medical education that is independent, fair, balanced and objective and free from commercial bias. In order that the Academy operates effectively for these purposes, it is important that the Academy’s decisions and actions are not unduly influenced by any special interests of individual Members. Therefore, it is important to identify actual or potential conflicts of interest in a formal way. In most cases, disclosure will be sufficient to protect the integrity of the Academy’s operations. Rarely, where disclosure is inadequate, further action may be necessary.

Academy Members in Leadership Positions (Executive Committee Members, Members of the Board, Members and Chairpersons of Committees, Chairpersons of Task Forces, Task Force Facilitator, Members and Chairpersons of Working Groups, Editors of EADV publications (the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV), the JEADV Clinical Practice (JEACP) and the EADV News)) should understand that they occupy a position of trust and are expected to act at all times in the best interests of the Academy in good faith and without favour or bias and avoid even the appearance of using their positions to advance any personal interests or should not act for personal or third party gain.

These Members in Leadership Positions should submit descriptions of all personal and professional circumstances which might create a private interest in conflict with the interest of the Academy. A comprehensive disclosure of financial relationships with a commercial interest producing health care goods or services consumed or used by patients must be indicated on the form provided and signed.

Members in Leadership Positions should sign and update the following statement at least every 6 months:

I shall act at all times in good faith and without bias and favour to interests outside the Academy. I shall always declare outside interests which could potentially conflict with my duty to the Academy and I shall not act in a way inconsistent with the purposes of the Academy.

Members in Leadership Positions are expected to proactively update and submit the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form should any change to their conflict of interest status occur, even before the renewal deadline of 6 months.

Course chairs and lecturers (involved in both live and non-live educational activities of the EADV), webinars, congress and symposium chairs and speakers should submit the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form before their participation to any of these EADV activities.

The Secretary General will retain statements of potential conflict of interest in the care of the Academy’s office and he/she will make them available to the Members of the Board, if required. The Secretary General reviews the statements and if further review is required, the Secretary General will forward the statements to the Ethics Committee at the same time informing the Executive Committee of any conflict that may be significant. The Ethics Committee then initiates any request for further information informing and duly involving the concerned Member and reports its findings to the Secretary General and the Board of any items found to be particularly significant.