EADV Membership FAQs

New members

Applications can only be performed online, via the official application module on MyEADV.

Detailed instructions for the membership application process can be found here.

According to your current professional status, you can view the available member categories here.

If the application module and the relevant documents are submitted correctly, the application process should take approximately 5 working days to be fully finalized.

Please ensure you allocate sufficient time for the procedure to be completed before each deadline for events, scholarships, grants, courses, and other related matters.

  • Board-certified specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology are eligible for the (International) Fellow member category.
  • If you are a board-certified specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology under the age of 35, you qualify for the (International) Junior Fellow member category.
  • For board-certified specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology who have reached 65 years of age, the (International) Senior member category is applicable.

It’s important to note that specialists in Dermatology and/or Venereology do not require endorsers to apply.

Please review the membership categories section to determine if any of the described options align with your current status.

If you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

No, endorsements are not required for this application.

No, endorsements are not required for this application.

No, endorsements are not required for this application.

Nurse and Medical Assistant membership applicants must provide the name of one endorser, who must be an EADV (International) Fellow Member with voting rights.

For applicants seeking an (International) Associate membership (individuals interested in dermatology and/or venereology), two endorsers’ names are required. These endorsers must be EADV (International) Fellow Members with voting rights.

Only (International) Fellow members with voting rights are entitled to endorse an application. Therefore, endorsements from other member categories, Fellow members without voting rights, or former members are not accepted. Endorsers are not required to be from your own country. So, if you have acquaintances or colleagues who are EADV members (board-certified specialists with voting rights) outside your working country, you can provide their names.

After successfully completing your application, you will receive an email containing your member credentials and payment instructions. Upon settling the membership dues, you can register for EADV events (Congress and Symposia) at the member-dedicated fees. Upon approval of your application, you will gain access to all your benefits, including admission to the digital learning platform.

The sooner you finalize your application, the more you will gain from your membership during the year. If you are joining partway through the year, you will be charged the full annual membership amount. Applications for the 2024 membership will be accepted until September 20, 2024. Any submissions or finalizations after this date will be activated for the year 2025 instead.

Current members

You can renew your membership simply by settling your dues in the Fee section (log into your MyEADV / click on MyProfile).

If your membership has been disabled for more than a year, we invite you to contact the Membership Team at before proceeding to payment. 

Renewals for 2024 will be possible until 20 September 2024.  You can easily settle your dues by:

  • Credit card: log into your profile from here to set the payment
  • Bank transfer

As per the article 6 of the EADV Statutes, Membership renewal deadline is set on 31.01.2024. This means that your payment must be received (i.e., visible on the EADV account) at latest by 31 January.

If the payment is not credited to the EADV account by 31 January, on 1 February your membership will be disabled and you will have no longer access to your member benefits until the dues are settled. A late payment will enable you to restore immediately your membership (and take advantage from all benefits) but your voting rights will only be reinstated in January 2025. You will be therefore prevented from the right to vote and (if the case) to support/maintain the presence of your country within the Board, standing for elections and endorsing nominations and/or membership application, etc.

The 2024 renewal period will end on 20 September 2024.

Please, contact

Please, send us by email a Confirmation of specialisation in Dermatology and/or Venereology in English (check the details of the documents to be submitted from the membership categories section)

As a specialist in Dermatology and/or Venereology, once reached the age of 65 years old or when retiring from the profession, you are eligible to become a (International) Senior member, if you wish so. If preferred, you can maintain your (International) Fellow member category.

For your category to be changed, please contact before your 2024 dues are settled.

You can modify your correspondence address by accessing the section “My Profile” on the MyEADV platform. Personal details such as name, surname and email address can only be updated by the Membership Team. Please contact

The member is responsible for ensuring a reliable communication channel with the EADV Membership department, making sure that a current email address and profile information are up to date.

Membership is only cancelled upon receipt of an individual written request that the membership needs to be terminated. Only requests received personally by a member will be considered. The requests must be addressed to

General questions

To retrieve your password, use the “Reset Password” function you find here. You will receive an email with a link to amend your password (check as well your email’s junk folder as the “Reset Password” email might be treated as SPAM by the email provider).

Your current status is visible within the section “My Profile” on the MyEADV platform. Upon receipt of your payment, a confirmation of payment along with the relevant invoice is sent to your email address.

In case of doubts, do not hesitate to contact

Please, before proceeding with any payment, contact and we will be glad to explain you the different possibilities to reinstate your membership.

You can easily settle your dues by: 

  • Credit card: log into your “My Profile” area to set the payment.
    VISA/Mastercard and Maestro (if enabled for online payments) are accepted. Be kindly advised that it is not possible to pay by Amex.
  • Bank transfer, using the below details: Beneficiary: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology – Via S. Balestra 22B – 6900 Lugano – Switzerland Bank: Credit Suisse AG, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland Currency: Euro IBAN: CH66 0483 5144 7671 7200 0 BIC: CRESCHZZ80A Ref: 2024 – Name + Surname

Please, before proceeding with any payment, contact

In the event any specific details (i.e. VAT number, purchase order number, …) or a different billing address needs to be displayed on your invoice, please contact before the payment of the relevant fee is processed.

Please, before proceeding with any payment, contact

Upon renewal of 2024 dues, you will be able to download your 2024 certificate from the “My Profile” section on MyEADV platform.


While renewing your annual dues you have the chance to choose the payment option including the JEADV hard-copy.

Yes, it is possible to perform another order to purchase the JEADV hard-copies.

Due to usual publishing delays the issues start to be received 2 months after the payment. Issues published before the payment is received will not be delivered.

The JEADV issues are sent automatically to the mailing address saved within your member profile. You can change this information at any time by accessing the “My Profile” section on the myEADV platform.

Due to usual publishing delays, the new mailing address will be effective only 2 months after the update

If, at the due time, the issues are not punctually received, please promptly inform us at For late notifications (i.e. for the previous year or if more than 4 months are passed), no second shipment can be arranged. To avoid possible delivery issues, please make sure that the delivery address is always up-to-date and that work and private information are not mixed (i.e., by having your private address and the name of the working institute displayed).

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