Code of conduct AND BEHAVIOUR FORM
Code of conduct
From the EADV Ethics Committee Report for the 44th Board Meeting – 2 October 2013 | Signed by Prof. Michael Waugh | EADV Founding Member and Chairman of the EADV Ethics Committee (2009-2013)
Duties to Patients, Colleagues, and Society
Physicians of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology should at all times strive towards the care that is most appropriate for their patients, in the light of current knowledge.
They should strive to keep their knowledge up-to-date.
They should observe honesty and proper conduct to their colleagues, not only in Dermatology and Venereology, but through all aspects of medicine.
They should not form judgement on any professional situation until full knowledge of the facts is known.
They should be watchful in their dealings with governmental or non-governmental bodies, and commercial industry.
They should abide by these principles throughout their professional lives.
In addition, it was decided by the Ethics Committee to amend it, and add:
- Members of the EADV should not allow personal animosity to interfere with the collegiality or function of the EADV.
- Members of the EADV should not use their position in relationship to patients, professional activities, commerce and industry, governments and non-governmental organisations, for their personal advantage or personal benefit.
Code of behaviour for candidates
- Reflecting negatively on any other candidate verbally, in print, or electronically.
- Offering of any incentives in exchange for promise of voting support.
- Sending any written or electronic messages related to the election during the voting period.
- Any complaint about the electoral process must go to, and only to, the Chair of the Nomination and Election Monitoring Committee (NEMC).
- Accepting any support of any kind whatsoever in relation to the election from a commercial organisation or from any other third party including academic and professional organisations.
Please note: failure to adhere to the Codes may invalidate the candidature.
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