17-20 SEPT 2025


For groups of 10+ participants

Active EADV Members benefit from a preferential rate

To take advantage of this rate, log in using the email address and password linked to your EADV Membership account (MyEADV).

Before registering


dermatology professionals eadv members

We kindly suggest to check your attendees’ registration categories before starting the registration process. 



The active email address (business or private) of each delegate. Otherwise your clients cannot access the event, claim certificates or CME credits.

The online registration system can automatically recognize an EADV Member only if you use the email address connected to the Membership account.+A refund is not allowed if an attendee becomes EADV Member after registration or an incorrect email address was used for registration

Personal information

Full name, gender, date of birth, nationality, country of residence

Company / Workplace

Non member (industry):
The company name will be shown on the delegate's badge


Please note that additional documentation is required for the following categories:


Proof of Status & Passport


Proof of Status & Diploma or Medical license


Proof of Status & Passport

Registrations for the above mentioned categories are only possible until Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

Non member (industry)

Unlike the other types of registration, no Proof of affiliation is required


To qualify for a ticket rate (Early Rate, Mid-Rate, Full Rate), tickets as part of a Group registration must meet the following conditions, before the ticket deadline.
Tickets that do not meet these conditions before the deadline, will be cancelled.

Each purchased ticket MUST BE assigned to an attendee

Blank registrations are not allowed

Tickets MUST BE paid FOR

How to register

Select ‘Group Registration’ if you would like to register for a group composed of more than 10 participants

Participants can be added to the same group at any point and via multiple orders


Add participant

Create the list of participants

Add contingent

Add the tickets


Assign tickets to participants


Go to payment


Send voucher(s) to participants



The registration must be processed only through the official online registration system



LOGIN to your existing account or CREATE ACCOUNT if you don’t have one.

  • The Group Leader’s contact email address cannot be changed during the registration.
  • The registration team will not contact your attendees directly and will not provide any documents to your delegates.

Create account

Create a new account


Login with your m-anage account


Group Leaders are not allowed to collect the certificates of their participants. Attendees are the only entity/person entitled to download their personal documents.For more information visit the Certificates page or contact [email protected]



After logging in, click on Group Registration

Group Registration

Register groups with > 10 people



Query for group name




You can choose between two methods for adding participants to your group:


1. Click Import button on the bottom left of your screen

2. Download template of your Excel list


3. Fill it with your group's details

4. Upload it to the platform to continue



1. Click on "New participant"

2. Fill with your attendee's details

3. Add delegate or proceed



In the Group Registration – Overview page click on Add participants to review/edit your list


to view attendee's registration details

Ticket status displaying a green tick means that this attendee is already registered:

Go back to the attendees list and remove this attendee, as they already have an assigned ticket.

No ticket assigned: you can proceed with the registration



Purchase new tickets by returning to Group Registration – Overview, and clicking Buy contingent

More tickets can be purchased with a new order for the same group at a later stage


View your attendees and their registration categories before purchasing tickets

Buy contingent



  1. Expand the drop down menu for Virtual or On-site Ticket
  2. Select ticket type
  3. select the amount of tickets you need for each registration category

Registration categories must match the ticket type to allow the distribution

EADV Member


EADV Resident Member





  1. Return to Group Registration – Overview
  2. Click Distribute
  3. Assign ticket to each attendee


Assign ticket to each attendee by clicking next to its name in the column.
Alternatively, use the button Distribute to all

A ticket is assigned when the green mark shows next to an attendee's name



  1. Return to Group Registration – Overview
  2. Click Ticket pick-up management
  3. Send or download vouchers

You can choose between two methods for sending vouchers to your attendees:

Send all vouchers at once through the Registration System. Delegates will receive an email from [email protected]

This button can be used more than once to resend all vouchers

Ask your attendees to check their junk folder if a voucher doesn't arrive after few minutes

Download all vouchers in a zip file to send them afterwards.


On-site attendance

Scan the QR code of your voucher at the self-printing machines placed in the Registration area of the venue.





Virtual attendance

Log in to the virtual platform with the credentials in your voucher to enjoy the virtual congress.


Group pick up request

Group leaders may pick up all the badges and, if applicable, the transportation passes associated with their registration the day before the Congress opening 24 September 2024 by appointment only (no partial pick is allowed).

The vouchers for virtual registration should be sent to attendees by the Group Leader, following step 10 of the above group registration instructions.

The appointment for the group pick up should be reserved in advance by 11 September 2024. Since places are limited, your place is not secured until it is confirmed by the registration team.

Request an appointment by sending an email to [email protected] 

If you have any further questions about the Group registration process,
please contact us at [email protected]


Important note to Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Professionals

Access to the different areas and sessions of the Congress depends on the status. Please read the description below to ensure you/your delegates comply with the regulations in place.
EADV Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please attribute the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during registration.


A multidisciplinary audience will attend the EADV Congress, and the EADV will assign different classes to healthcare professionals (HCP) and non-Healthcare Professionals (non-HCP) to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Chapter 3 of the Dutch CGR code defines HCPs as follows:
3.1 In the purpose of this Code of Conduct, the following terms shall bear the following meaning:
healthcare professionals: persons qualified to prescribe or supply prescription-only medicinal products.

Further explanation is provided in The General information about organising scientific meetings and Frequently Asked Questions from the CGR (Dutch Foundation for the Code for Pharmaceutical Advertising (to be referred to as the general information document from here on out) (20170214 CGR informatie congresorganisaties), where it states (at section 2 a, page 2) that: In the Netherlands the group of healthcare professionals comprises: physicians, physicians who are being trained to become a specialist (‘artsen in opleiding’), pharmacists, pharmacist’s assistants, obstetricians, dentists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and specialised nurses.

Dutch Nurses, in Particular

It further clarifies that:
… “Specialised nurses (limited to the lung, diabetes and oncology areas) only have independent prescription authority if they have completed a specific training programme for this purpose. The completion of this training is entered in the BIG register and so can be checked by anyone. This means that all of the other healthcare providers, such as regular nurses, dieticians, dental hygienists or supportive GP practitioners (‘praktijkondersteuners’), are not healthcare professionals and so – just like patients – belong to the ‘general public’. This group will be referred to below as ‘non-healthcare professionals’.

In terms of specialised nurses, the explanatory notes to the CGR code (20200701 Explanatory Notes CGR per 20200701) provide a specific list to be taken into consideration:

3.1.d Definition of “healthcare professional”
…. pharmacist’s assistants and nurses with the additional BIG registrations:

Specialised nurses (gespecialiseerd verpleegkundigen):

  • Diabetes nurses
  • Pulmonary care nurses
  • Oncology nurses

Specialised nurses may only be considered as healthcare professionals if their BIG registration states that they have prescription authority. ….
Nurse specialists (NS) (verpleegkundig specialisten):

  • NS providing general healthcare
  • NS providing mental healthcare


Lastly, the explanatory notes state (at page 3) that:
Physicians in training to become a specialist (artsen in opleiding) are also considered as healthcare professionals within the meaning of the Code of Conduct. Medical students are not considered healthcare professional (see Newsletter 2006/4).

Other Categories

The general information document (sections 2d and e, page 3) goes on to clarify that industry employees and specialised journalists can be exposed to promotional content. Yet patients, patient representatives, and regular press or specialised journalists who target the general public will still be considered non-HCPs and should not be exposed to promotional content.
STUDENTS are NOT considered as Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as NON-HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.

Industry sessions

Satellite Symposia and Industry Hub Sessions presenting data on the development, research, or other issues related to prescription medicine is restricted to Healthcare Professionals and Industry Participants as indicated by the Industry Session Organizer. All promotional materials and marketing aids related to these industry sessions should be strictly limited to HCPs. Industry Session organisers can limit participation to certain representative groups independently from the EADV recommendations if deemed imperative to achieving the session’s intended purpose. The organising company reserves the right to refuse single categories, particularly if they are not adequately related to the session’s objective and purpose.

The industry session organiser is responsible for compliance with the session.

Non Member category

Resident (under 35 years old)

This category is for those under 35 years of age, in full-time training in dermatology and/or venereology and with the potential to become certified specialists in dermatology or venereology.

The applications have to be accompanied by :

  • Trainee certificate in English indicating the beginning and expected end of your training in Dermatology and/or Venereology on official letter-headed paper, signed and stamped by the head of the department
  • A copy of the ID or Passport

If the above documents are appropriately submitted online, it takes around 10 days for the registration team to review the application (please consider these timings while applying to meet any deadlines).

After the review, an email with the result of the application is sent to the applicant.
Only a successful application allows purchasing the event ticket with a dedicated rate.

Residents (under 35 years old) are not automatically classified as Healthcare Professionals. Each participant must ensure the HCP status is filled out correctly during registration.

As a multidisciplinary audience will be attending this event, please make sure to select the right category, Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professionals (NON-HCPs), during the registration process.

Access to any Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines is presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) only.

Important: Residents who have already turned 35 are required to register as Non-Members (DELEGATE). Alternatively, they may apply for EADV membership, as there are no age restrictions.

Non Member category


This category is open to licensed practical, registered or practitioner nurses involved in the nursing care of dermatology and venereology patients.

The application has to be accompanied by:

  • A copy of the current Medical License/Diploma
  • An up-to-date proof of status (a document that certifies the Nurse / Medical Assistant status of the participant) including the following information:
    1. It must be issued in English;
    2. It must be issued on official hospital letterhead;
    3. The date of issue must not be older than 6 months from the date of registration;
    4. It must clearly state your nurse position within the institution, practice, etc.
    5. It must display the applicant’s full name and date of birth;
    6. It must be signed by the head of the dermatology/venereology department confirming the status of the applicant;
    7. It must include the following details about the head of the department: full name, department, email address and telephone number;

If above documents are appropriately submitted online, it takes around 10 days for the registration team to review the application (please consider these timings while applying to meet any deadlines).

After the review, an email with the result of the application is sent to the applicant.

Only a successful application allows purchasing the event ticket with a dedicated rate.

Make sure the correct HCP status is selected by filling out the profile online according to the Healthcare Professional definition.

As a multidisciplinary audience will be attending the event, please make sure to select the right category, Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professionals (NON-HCPs), during the registration process.

Access to any Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines is presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) only.

Non Member category

Student (under 35 years old)

This category is for medical students who have not achieved their medical degree and show interest in dermatology / venereology.

The application has to be accompanied by:

  • Up-to-date certificate indicating the beginning and expected end of medical studies on official hospital or university letter-headed paper, signed and stamped by the University competent office or by the head of the department
  • A copy of the ID or Passport

If above documents are appropriately submitted online, it takes around 10 days for the registration team to review the application (please consider these timings while applying to meet any deadlines).

After the review, an email with the result of the application is sent to the applicant.
Only a successful application allows purchasing the event ticket with a dedicated rate.

Students are not considered Healthcare Professionals (HCP) under the current guidelines and will be automatically classified as Non-Healthcare Professionals (NON-HCP). Therefore, they have access to the Scientific Sessions but do not have access to the Industry Sessions restricted to HCPs (if any). 

Important: Students who already turned 35 are requested to register as Non Members (DELEGATE). If they wish, they are eligible to apply for an EADV membership (no age limits are in place).

Non Member category

Non Member (INDUSTRY)

Non-Members (Industry) are industry employees working in the field of dermatology (such as distributors, industry representatives, marketers, business developers, CEOs, COOs, etc.). They will be granted access to the Scientific Sessions, Exhibition area, and Industry sessions independently from their status (Healthcare Professional or Non-Healthcare Professional).

The application has to be accompanied by an official document confirming that the ticket is being issued for an employee, working in the industry (Proof of Affiliation).

Industries processing a Group registration and Exhibiting company registration are NOT required to upload this document.

The company name will be shown on the attendee's badge

Name changes for groups

Name changes are possible until Thursday, 2 May 2024Wednesday, 11 September 2024 only (23:59 CEST). Therefore, no name change requests are accepted after the mentioned date.

The Group Leader is entitled to process name changes at no extra costs only under these conditions:

  • The name change is requested for less than 25% of the total of purchased tickets
  • The name change is between delegates of the same registration category

How to proceed with the name change

  1. Remove the previous attendee from your group list.
  2. Insert the new attendee in your group list
  3. Distribute the ticket to the new attendee

Ticket distribution should be managed personally by the Group Leader:

  • Before the deadline, Group Leaders can reassign a previously distributed ticket.
  • After the deadline, tickets already distributed cannot be re-distributed by the Group Leader.

Group Visitor template

One or more compilation errors in the visitors’ form is the most likely cause why the system does not accept your file.


Some fields must be filled exclusively by using the integrated dropdown menu


Columns marked with * are mandatory


Make sure you use valid email address, otherwise they cannot access the Symposium App / Virtual Platform, claim certificates or CME credits


The Registration Team cannot correct the errors on your file

Beware of email scams

Scam companies represent themselves as the official registration provider. They may use a range of tactics to deceive you, including using the EADV logo. We strongly advise that you register only through the official online registration system.

Member category

EADV Nurse Member

EADV Nurse Members benefit from a preferential rate.

To take advantage of this rate, the email address linked to the EADV Membership profile must be used during the online registration.

EADV Membership categories falling in this category are:

  • Nurse
  • Medical Assistant

EADV Nurse Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please, define the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during the registration process according to the Healthcare Professional definition.

Access to Exhibition Area, Company Profiles and Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines are presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).

Not an EADV Member? Become a Member and save on registration fees! Click here!

Member category

EADV Student Member

EADV Student Members benefit from a preferential rate.

To take advantage of this rate, the email address linked to the EADV Membership profile must be used during the online registration.

EADV Membership category falling in this category is:

  • Medical Student

Students are automatically classified as Non-Healthcare Professionals under the current guidelines (HCP definition).

Access to Exhibition Area, Company Profiles and Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines are presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).

Not an EADV Member? Become a Member and save on registration fees! Click here!

Member category

EADV Resident Member

EADV Resident Members benefit from a preferential rate.

To take advantage of this rate, the email address linked to the EADV Membership profile must be used during the online registration.

EADV Membership categories falling in this category are:

  • Medical Resident
  • Junior Resident
  • International Junior Resident
  • Junior Scientist in full time training
  • International Scientist in full time training

EADV Resident Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please, define the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during the registration process according to the Healthcare Professional definition.

Access to Exhibition Area, Company Profiles and Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines are presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).

Not an EADV Member? Become a Member and save on registration fees! Click here!

Non Member category

Non Member (DELEGATE)

This category applies to all delegates who are not members of the EADV.

If you are an employee in the industry, working in the field of dermatology, please refer to the “Non Member (INDUSTRY)” category.

As a multidisciplinary audience will be attending the EADV events, please make sure to select the right category, Healthcare Professional (HCPs) and Non-Healthcare Professional (NON-HCPs), during the registration process.

Access to any Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines is presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) only.

Member category

EADV Member

EADV Members benefit from a preferential rate.

To take advantage of this rate, the email address linked to the EADV Membership profile must be used during the online registration.

EADV Membership categories falling in this category are:

  • Scientist with PhD
  • Junior Scientist with Phd
  • International Scientist with PhD under 35
  • International Scientist with PhD
  • Fellow
  • Junior Fellow
  • International Junior Fellow
  • International Fellow
  • Associate
  • International Associate

EADV Members are not designated as Healthcare Professionals by default. Please, define the correct status (HCP or Non-HCP) during the registration process according to the Healthcare Professional definition.

Access to Exhibition Area, Company Profiles and Industry Sessions where data or research of prescription medicines are presented will be limited exclusively to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).

Not an EADV Member? Become a Member and save on registration fees! Click here!